Friday, December 27, 2013

Could you live without ESPN?

Todays big story in the sports world is that ESPN is getting a lot of tax breaks. Shocking!  What company doesnt.  I can see why people get angry about this though.  Joe 6 Pack is working his ass off to keep the heat on at his house in the winter and he doesnt get a tax break but ESPN does? What gives????  So ya it's BS but facts are facts.  ESPN is almost 1/2 of all of Disneys profits and if the people of Connecticut what to pay hardball fine, I'm sure some other state like Utah or South Dakota would do the same thing to allow ESPN to come there.  Anyway this story is overall pointless, but it got me thinking could I live w/out ESPN? I'm talking no ESPN on TV, no ESPN radio and no ESPN websites.   I think I could pull it off.  I mean there are hundreds of other sports websites out there and I'd probably watch all the highlights I missed on Fox Sports 1 or Youtube the next day.  The thing that would suck the most is if the Patriots were on Monday night Football and I would have to listen to the game on the radio like it was the 1940's.  The college football games this week would be a  bummer.  I spent about an hour last night watching the Little Caesasr Bowl between Bowling Green and Pittsburgh. All in all I think I could do it, so ESPN screw you and refund me back $5.54 a month of my hard earned money I am giving you to cover the costs of your crappy shows like "Dan LeBatard is highly questionable" and "First Take".

Knicks want Rajon Rondo

This weeks hot off the presses rumor is that Rajon Rondo is going to the Knicks.  The Knicks think they can get him before he goes to free agency.  I know rondo can leave in free agency after the 2015 season by who do the Knicks think they are?  What the hell are they going to give up to get Rajon Rondo? The Knicks dont have a pick in 2014 and the Nuggets can swap picks with the Knicks in 2016.  I guess they can throw in their 2015 pick and maybe an expiring contract, but I dont want that.  I say rondo is worth at least 2 first round picks.  Anything else doesnt get the deal done.  But all in all why would Rondo want to jet Boston for the Knicks  before he is a free agent? They suck even worse than us.  The Celtics suck now but at least it seems like we have a plan for the future.  The Knicks are a disaster, why volunteer to go there?

Monday, November 11, 2013


I don't give a shit how much it costs.  7 years 150 Million,  8 years 175 million, whatever Boras requests!!!! Just get it done Cherington! There is no price too high for a man who is a vacuum cleaner at short and has a zen like connection w/ animals.

Pierce's House vs KG's House. Take your pick.

It still doesn't look right.  Honestly it's like being reminded of a bad break-up.  Well the break-up wasn't bad, but you get the point.  Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Both of these guys are selling their old homes in suburban Boston.  I know I know I was stunned as well that they didn't own townhouses in Hyde Park.  But if you had unlimited funds which house are you buying?  Here's a tale of the tape:

Pierce 2.65 M. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 partial baths, 7600 sq ft.  Lincoln, Mass
KG 4.2 M, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 partial baths, 11000 sq ft. Concord, Mass

Having a house on a lake is pretty sweet, but the last thing I need in my home is a gym.  I would never use it, so I see it as a waste of space.  Call me frugal but I would take Pierces home.  I think it has just enough room for my entrouage

Guys are now cooking the Thanksgiving Turkey

This here everyone is the beginning of the end for America.  1st it was the gays being allowed to marry then it was the hippies being allowed to smoke pot freely.  I thought the final straw was insurance companies no longer being able to deny people health insurance because of pre-existing conditions.  (Seriously if you cant make people miserable how can I enjoy myself.)  But men cooking the thanksgiving turkey is utterly ridiculous.  I thought we were having a "war on women"? How are we winning the war if we start cooking the thanksgiving turkey.  What's next sewing? bad driving? menstrual cycles?

The Good Ol' Days

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Celtics refuse to tank, Ray Allen is a little bitch

Honestly the best part of this video for me is Kelly Olynk trying to get awkward white guy high fives from Gerald Wallace and Jeff Green. (:39 second mark) They just leave him hanging.  So cold.

Well it appears the Celtics are not going to tank this year.  Even if they lost this game I would still feel that way.  I really think they are too good to be in the bottom five of the league in terms of a high lottery pick.  Also there are so many other bad teams in the NBA I don't think they could do it.  I think you have to be in the 20-25 win range to get in the bottom five and I don't see this team doing it.  I'm not sure how I feel about this.  Once side of me wants them to be absolutely awful so they can get Jabari Parker or Andrew Wiggins but then it will not be any fun to watch the Celtics this year.  I guess we can go for that 8th seed and get spanked by the Pacers or Heat in the 1st round.  Who knows.... Fuck it I'm going to enjoy the ride. 

As for Ray-Ray... WWAAHHHHH!
KG and Pierce still will not talk to me.  Really?  Do we really need to talk about this?  I don't blame them for not talking to you.  There's 28 other teams in the league Ray Allen could of left for and no one would care, but he chose to go to the arch-enemy.... for less money that what the Celtics or other teams offered him.  You signed a deal with the devil Ray, so just stop talking about it. God I hate the Miami Heat.  Most hateable franchise in sports.  In 1st place by a mile over the Montreal Canadiens and New York Yankees.

Not the way I want to go...

YIKES! This right here is my worst nightmare.  I couldn't even watch one second of that Ryan Reynolds movie ''Buried" I'm so freaked out my this.  How about the lady who discovered this guy? Holy SHIT! could you ever go to a cemetery again?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Joe Biden calls Martin Walsh to congratulate him on his mayoral bid...

but it turns out to be the wrong Martin Walsh. Fucking Biden! You have to love this guy, he was probably half in the bag when he did it too. Just shitfaced and types in Martin Walsh in his phone and just calls the first Martin Walsh that comes up.  Do work Joe!

PS. If Biden called me I'd be thrilled! If Dick Cheney called me I would shit my pants and call the vacuum repair guy from Breaking Bad and disappear off the face of the earth.

Hey Barry! Beer me!

Pot is legal in Maine now

Pot is now legal in Portland Maine. It just hit me today that in about 5 years pot will be legal everywhere but at the same time peanut butter will probably also be outlawed in public places.  Honestly I don't care if pot is legal or not, people are still going to smoke it no matter what the government says, just now if its legal the government will probably get money for it and not the Mexican cartels.  Anywho it's just completely fucked up than as a society we are being more and more liberal about things like gay marriage and pot but then since we no longer freak out about these pointless social issuess we start freaking out about other pointless social issues like peanut butter allergies, banning soda in schools and kids wearing helmets for playing soccer.  We have officially gone mad.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wearing Sombrero's is racist now I guess.

You have got to be kidding me with this shit.  Whats next?  All Taco Bells should be banned because they are racist offering cheesy gorditas.  Dora the explorer? Diego.

People are losing their shit over what is and what is not racist.  lets go through some examples:

Not Racist:


Ummmm I really have no Idea, I guess this is racist:
WTF?? Come on Mitt!


World Coconut Shortage because to many assholes are drinking Coconut Water

This story is why America is #1 but at the same time it is why the rest of the world hates us.  5 years ago no one gave  a shit about coconuts.  I remember my grandparents bought one for me when I was a kid, I though it was awesome because it was a coconut.  I mean you only see those things on TV, but then I realized you need a hacksaw and a hammer to open it so I realized coconuts suck.  So some hipster dipshit created coconut water a few years ago and of course fitness people flock to it like sheep saying it makes your better in bed or some unproven shit and college kids start drinking it because they think it cures hangovers and BAM! before you know it some guy in the Phillipines who makes 6000 a year is about to lose his job because he can't keep up w/ coconut demand.  AMERICA!!!!!!!! EFF YA.

Red Sox Offseason Already Heating Up

Pete Abe of the Globe is reporting that the Sox may move away from Salty and possibly sign Brian McCann. You look at the numbers in Pete Abe's columns and I don't get why the Sox are bananas about Brian McCann??? He has less power, and played less games behind the plate, yet he is going to get more money.  Supposedly he is a better defensive catcher, but is it really worth all that extra money?  I guess it is.  I mean Salty did throw away Game 3 of the World Series w/ that stupid throw to 3rd base and he did not hit at all during the postseason.  (minus of course his clutch hit to win ALCS game 2)  If I was running the team I bring back Salty on a 2 year deal. But I'm typing on a laptop writing a blog no one reads so what the hell do I know what I'm doing.

Also I think we all need to relax about the Stephen Drew shit.  So the Sox gave him a qualifying offer and now he may resign w/ the Sox for I don't know 47 million a year.  Who the eff cares.  Its not our money its John Henry's.  Last I check he is a rich fuck so he can spare it.  Also Stephen Drew is not the worst player in the world.  The guy hit .253 w/ 13 homers and 67 rbi's this year w/ an OBP of .333.  Yes he sucked ass hitting in the postseason but he played rock solid defense.  Personally I don't think its the end of the world if they did give him a 3 year deal.  Let Bogarts play third and have Drew man short.  The sports radio knuckleheads are screaming for Drew to get outta town and make Bogarts play short.  But maybe Bogarts does not want to play short... and maybe the Sox want Bogarts to concentrate more on hitting and worry less about playing short.  Either way Im cool w/ it.  We just won the World Series for Christ sake so everyone needs to calm the hell down.

Rex Kramer Returns

Yes I know I've been away too long.   Blog guy had to take a break, but now I'm back.  What better way to get motivated then watch a cat get exactly what it deserved.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Do you wal mart

Well this explains why the ninja turtles live in the sewer, because in today's society they wouldn't be allowed to hold a steady job, they would be too busy Saving people and in the eyes if Walmart that's against company policy. Good to know criminals have more rights than is. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2013-2014 NHL Season Preview

I like watching hockey but I'm not going to pretend I'm Barry Melrose or Don Cherry and breakdown film for you.  But here are my total team points over/under predictions based for the 2013-2014 season.  I got the over/under lines from this article.

Pittsburgh Penguins -- 108.5             Under
New York Rangers -- 98.5                 Over
Washington Capitals -- 93.5               Under
Philadelphia Flyers -- 92.5                 Under
New York Islanders -- 89.5                Over
Columbus Blue Jackets – 85.5          Over
Carolina Hurricanes -- 84.5               Under
New Jersey Devils -- 79.5                   Over

Boston Bruins -- 102.5                       Over
Detroit Red Wings -- 97.5                   Over
Toronto Maple Leafs -- 96.5              Under
Montreal Canadiens -- 94.5               Under
Ottawa Senators -- 93.5                      Over
Tampa Bay Lightning -- 88.5            Under
Buffalo Sabres -- 83.5                        Under
Florida Panthers -- 75.5                     Over

East Finals
Detroit over Boston

Chicago Blackhawks -- 105.5            Over
St. Louis Blues -- 99.5                        Under
Minnesota Wild -- 94.5                       Over
Colorado Avalanche -- 86.5               Over
Dallas Stars -- 86.5                             Under
Nashville Predators -- 84.5                 Under
Winnipeg Jets -- 82.5                          Over

Los Angeles Kings -- 98.5                  Over
Vancouver Canucks -- 95.5               Under
San Jose Sharks -- 94.5                     Over
Anaheim Ducks -- 90.5                      Under
Edmonton Oilers -- 89.5                    Over
Phoenix Coyotes -- 85.5                     Over
Calgary Flames -- 74.5                      Under

West Finals
Chicago over Minnesota

Stanley Cup Finals

Detroit over Chicago

Well there you have it.  No way in hell these predictions are wrong.  Oh ya they play 82 games this year and not 48, so by the time the Stanley Cup playoffs have started your mortgage will probably be paid off.  Enjoy the season.

The Celtics made suck next year but

at least Abby Chin will be the sideline reporter.  Smart move by CSNNE. Hey I admire Dickerson's sideline reporting too, but I'm sorry he's just not as good looking as Abby Chin.  Women will probably love this hire more than the men.  "OH MY GOD! WHAT is she wearing".  So it's a win win for everyone. The best news from this Chad Finn article is that Tanguay and Marshall are gone as the pre and post game show hosts.  I think every Celtics fan did an 80's jump when they heard that news.  Kyle Draper is 1,000 X more likeable that those two ass clowns.  I think he'll do a solid job. I also like the Chris Herren idea.  A local guy broadcasting the games, I think that will be cool.  The only thing I don't like about this news is hearing that Ainge may also do color commentary.  Come on Danny, focus on running the team, and don't preach to me about the Church of Latter Day Saints while Im watching horrible professional basketball.

Just a tad better looking than Dickerson

Army / BC game might get cancelled

because of Obama! (if your republican) or Congress holding america hostage! (if your a democrat) Clearly we can't rely on our government to resolve this silly matter, so I'm calling on BC to do the right thing and forfeit this game to Army. That would be the only noble thing for BC to do.  Forfiet the game, put a gigantic risk on the chance of getting 6 wins and playing in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl and give the W to Army.  Don't disappoint me Superfans.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sports Hub gets the Celtics Broadcast

As each day passes I am in amazement that WEEI is still afloat.  Yes I get the argument from Callahan on WEEI that they wont lose much add revenue, because not many people listen to the Celtics on the radio and the team could be pretty bad next year.  But my rebuttal is, how long will they be bad for?  I hope not long,  I say a year or two and then they could be competitive.  But not just the broadcast of the games, we are also talking about all the sponsorships, Celtics guests and overall good PR from being the home of the Celtics as well as the Bruins and Patriots.  It's completely crazy how that station has fallen off the map.  How can WEEI get any Celtics guests anymore if they dropped out from broadcasting their games? Seriously how?  I honestly feel bad for anyone who works there..... well except those old racist dinosaurs Dennis & Callahan.  Screw them.

I need to hire Jay-Z as my agent

The big news today in the baseball world, other than the Atlanta Braves/Milwaukee Brewers girl fight last night and the Yankee elimination party is the rumor that Robinson Cano is looking for a 10 year 305 million dollar contract.  HOLY SHIT!!!! that is insane. Honestly I think he gets the money from some team, because if Pujols can get 10 years at 250? what's 10 @ 305 for someone who can not only hit but also field.  Granted there is no way he'll play 2nd base thru that whole contract, but still you can see a team being drunkenly stupid and going forward with this deal.  Lets be honest this is going to be a pissing contest between the Dodgers and the Yankees.  So what do you think is going to happen?  At this moment in time I say the Yankees bite the bullet and give Cano this deal or something similar and then over the offseason they pull of a shady trade with some other team and get rid of Sabathia or Texeiera.  I mean they say they are going to cut money right? so lets see if they stick to their word.  Either way, the Jigga will totally dominate the sports agent game if we can get Cano this deal.
Former Crack Dealer, Future Sports Agent Guru

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cheese Donut. That's all you got Indonesia?

This is why America is #1 when it comes to basically everything.  Indonesia thinks they can compete with America in crazy fast food by just dropping a bunch of shredded chesse on top of a glazed donut, meanwhile here in America we are using glazed donuts as bread and stuffing eggs, bacon sausage and cheese in between them.  I honestly think it would take someone from Indonesia 15 years to think of that. 

PS. That's 10,000 Indonesia Rupees not 10.00.  Don't worry I did the math for you.  its 87 cents in real America money.  This of course means the quality of coffee and donut has to be made from the freshest ingredients.

Have the playoffs started yet?

Honestly it is just incredible what the Red Sox have done this season, but the regular season is for losers like Peyton Manning and A-Rod.  Lets get this shit started already. I'm looking forward to staying up until 1am every day during the month of October watching the Sox.  I'm probably lose most of my hair and have a stroke or two but I get all tingly inside thinking that this team could potentially win the World Series trophy in a few weeks.  And in case you were not excited yet.....


Chick-fila-a hating the gays and the Cleveland Browns.  Just Hilarious!

Monday, September 16, 2013

TV Station apologizes for putting the Jaguars on TV

I feel for the people of Jacksonville. The team is so bad that TV stations are mocking you.  Granted I know this tv station is in Orlando, but that is basically like a TV station in Springfield mocking the Patriots broadcast, which I bet probably happened in the doom and gloom days of the early 90's.  As a Patriots fan I have been in the same shoes as Jacksonville.  I mean in the early 90's our team sucked and the team was constantly threatening to leave town.  However with the Jaguars the writing is on the wall that they are going to move.  I'm pretty sure Goddell made them play their ridiculous schedule so they could go 0-16 and he can move the team to L.A.  Lastly as horrible as the Pats were in the early 90s I don't think they begged the fans to come to the stadium with cheesy commercials like this:

Yet Another Mass Shooting

Of course this is an awful thing, bug sadly we as Americans are starting to accept this as a common occurrence. When I first heard about this I was not even that shocked, it was almost as I just accepted that this is the world I live in.  But how have we come to this point?  Of course we could blames guns or gun control but that has not got us anywhere.  So honestly what can we do as a society to prevent crazy shit like this from happening?  It's going to get to the point where if you go to the supermarket after dark in suburbia you are putting your life on the line.  Its completely fucking crazy.  I just want this madness this stop because I am sick and fucking tired of accepting a "mass shooting" as just another story in the daily news cycle.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Drunk Mexican Guy tries to enter America as a chili pepper

I know times are fucking rough, in Mexico so I don't blame this guy. Come to think of it I'd probably do the same thing if I was him.  I know I wouldn't have the money to pay for a coyote and if I did I wouldn't trust any of them.  Anytime I watch a Nat Geo or Discovery Channel special about immigration the coyotes always ditch their clients ( I guess you call them that right???) in the middle of the desert to die of starvation or dehydration.  Really outstanding citizens.  Also I'd be too much of a wuss to work for the cartel and move heroin or coke or meth across the border.  So ya I can see how this makes sense.  But shit that hangover the next day! holy hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waking up in the truck with a billion chili peppers and no water, advil or toilet.  I don't know I might just stay in Mexico.

WTF! Kiss owns an Arena Football Team?????

Today the inevitable news that Tebow was offered a contract by an arena football team has been in the news, but the thing that caught my attention is the team is the Los Angeles KISS, and yes they are partially owned by Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley.  I guess if you are old and have money why the hell not, I guess.  But what is it about the arena league and aging rockers? A few years ago Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora owned a team in Philadelphia and then they got out of it because the league folded for a year.  I mean these guys are not doing it to make money, because they'll most likely lose money. I can see Gene talking to Paul about this investment: " I cant drink or do drugs anymore, golf sucks, I don't wanna hunt and be associated w/ the Ted Nugent asshole, Tyler got the Idol gig, fuck it Paul let's buy an arena league team."  and then Paul said "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, can you hear me Los Angeles!!!!!!!!!!!!"

PS.  I definitely can see Sully Erna from Godsmack buying an Arena Football team basing them in Lowell and calling them the Lowell Godsmacks. Just give it another ten years.

Tebow's new boss


We should of gotten Anquan Bolden Felgah! Kenbrell Thompkins sucks!

Of course we should of gotten Anquan Bolden, we also should of gotten Calvin Johnson, Jordy Nelson and Victor Cruz too.  Listen right now, the Patriots wide receiver/tight end situation scares the living shit out of me, enough that I am having nightmares.  But to say we should of gotten Anquan Bolden is driving me nuts.  The 49ers got him for a 6th round pick, if the Patriots offered the 49ers a second round pick, I still don't think the Ravens move him to a conference rival.  1st round pick, maybe but I don't think the Pats would ever dream of doing that.  I know Bolden is a very good player, but the production he had yesterday will be nearly impossible to keep up.  Beside two years ago Green Bay was the worst defensive team in the league, last year they were 11th.  Big improvement yes, but who knows if the Green Bay Defense improves or goes back to 2011 levels in 2013.  As for Kenbrell Thompkins, yes he did not have  the greatest game, but he was not a complete abortion yesterday either.  We need to remember the guy was an undrafted free agent.  I still think he will turn out to be OK, not great, but if he becomes our #3-#4 guy after Amendola, Edeleman and Gronk (when he comes back) that would be fine by me.  The BIG IF though is if all of those guys can stay healthy.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Rays had a 2 hour commute to Oakland last week and Joe Maddon found it nostalgic

Well this explains why the Rays have gone down the shitter lately. You get stuck in a 2 hour traffic jam and your boss says "its nostalgic".  Seriously Joe, cut the shit.  You know it sucked, and the reason your team didn't stay in Oakland even tough the Bay Bridge was closed is because if you stay overnight at a hotel in Oakland you are gambling with your life.  Someone in the Rays organization fucked up big time, so don't try to cover it up and say you enjoyed sitting in traffic.  Joe Maddon is such an asshole.

Ok how many assholes are present? Ok I'm here so that's 1.

2013 NFL NFC Preview

If you missed yesterday's AFC Preview go here.  Otherwise be prepared to get your socks blown off with this upcoming NFC Preview!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As we all know the NFC is 10X better than the AFC, I honestly think any team could make the superbowl in this division besides Arizona and I would not be shocked.  Speaking of Arizona when the hell is Larry Fitzgerald ever going to leave there.  I have erotic fantasies of him and brady playing together for the Patriots.  Boner Jam!  Ok back to the preview.

NFC East

Redskins 10-6
Giants 9-7
Cowboys 7-9
Eagles 6-10

This division is probably the toughest one for me to call. But I'm taking the Redskins just because they have the best QB.  It will be either the Skins or the Giants.  The Cowboys are just an annoying hemorrhoid. they are always somewhat in the race and they are always on TV so we have to stare at Jerry Jones ugly face.  I wish they would move the Cowboys to London. I think asking Chip Kelly to turn around Philly in one year is just too much to ask for,  you need to give him at least a year and see what happens.  Who knows if Philly will have the patience.  I do like the Chip Kelly hire though, but he needs a QB to build w/, I don't know if Vick is his guy.

NFC North

Packers 12-4
Bears 9-7
Vikings 6-10
Lions 5-11

Aaron Rodgers is to fucking good for the Packers not to run away with this division.  The Lions are a joke.  The Bears might,,,, might give the Packers a run but everyone on that team has to outperform.  Lastly I would find it hard to believe that AP could carry the Vikings back to the playoffs again.

NFC South

Saints 11-5
Falcons 11-5#
Buccaneers 6-10
Panthers 4-12

The Saints and the Falcons will meet twice this season and I highly recommend you take the over in those games.  I envision two games w/ scores of 45-41 and 52-49.  I'm giving the Saints the edge because Sean Payton is back and the whole team will be pissed off and ready to go.  The Falcons will be an offensive force still with Matt Ryan at QB and they will make the playoffs, but just don't count on Matt Ryan for anything in the playoffs.  Remember he went to BC, and anyone who goes to BC never amounts to anything when they are in any type of pressure situation. The Buccaneers, I don't even know what to say about them.  The guy from Rutgers is their coach, he probably has another year after this before he gets shit canned at is the head coach of the Eastern Michigan University Eagles.  The Panthers.  They have Cam Newton, but the rest of the team sucks.  I like Cam, he's a hell of a player, but I think best case scenario for the Panthers is 8-8.
NFC West

49ers  12-4
Seahawks 10-6#
Rams 8-8
Cardinals 3-13

The 49ers take this one and the Seahawks make the playoffs.  The Rams will be mediocre and the Cardinals will be a disgrace to the game of football.  Speaking of which, when people say that Kurt Warner is a borderline HOF'er I say FUCK THAT. This man took the fucking ARIZONA CARDINALS to the superbowl! the CARDINALS! that will never again happen in my lifetime.  For that Warner should be a 1st ballot HOF'er.  Lastly I hate Pete Carroll.  I hope it all implodes on Seattle this year, but I think they have to much talent for that to happen.

NFC Wild Card

Redskins over Falcons
Saints over Seahawks

NFC Divisional

Saints over Packers
49ers over Redskins

NFC Championship

Saints over 49ers

AND NOW YOUR SUPERBOWL 48 PREDICTION (A rematch of Super Bowl 44)

And the result will be the same.  Imagine two dome teams playing the Super Bowl in an outdoor stadium in the cold? that would be pretty cool to watch.
Saints 27
Colts 24

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2013 NFL AFC Preview

Its here ladies and gentlemen, the start of the 2013 NFL season.  As a Patriots fan, I am just excited to talk and watch X's and O's rather than talk about murder investigations.  To say the off season sucked would be kind, it was probably the worst off season in NFL history.  However the Patriots are still one of the contenders for the 2013 Lombardi Trophy. All in all there is no way in hell these predictions below will be correct.

AFC East

Patriots 10-6
Bills 8-8
Dolphins 7-9
Jets 2-14

The Patriots should take this division easily. The Bills will be better than people think, but they wont be great.  Miami will be worse than people think and the Jets will an absolute shit show.

AFC North

Steelers 10-6
Ravens 10-6#
Bengals 9-7
Browns 5-11

This is one of the toughest divisions in football.  I honestly feel bad for the Browns.  How can you ever rebuild if you are in this division.  Stay Strong Cleveland.  Big Ben is a complete piece of crap, but he still is a very good QB, plus the Steelers have a very good coach.  A lot of people are writing off the Steelers but I don't see it.  It will be them and the Ravens in a dogfight for the division, but right now I saw the Steelers have a slight edge.  The Ravens D is still strong, but I don't know if Flacco can keep up his performance from last  year.  However the Ravens will get a wildcard spot. Lastly a lot of people have been jerking off the Bengals, but people forget Marvin Lewis is there coach and he sucks, so someone they'll fuck up and miss the playoffs.

AFC South

Colts 11-5
Texans 9-7
Titans 5-11
Jaguars 4-12

The Colts will continue to improve this year.  I think not only will Andrew Luck continue to do well, but Chuck Pagano is back after his battle with cancer and he will have a HUGE effect on their defense.  This guy came from Baltimore so he knows defense.  The Texans are going to sputter out this year and miss the playoffs.  Matt Schaub is mediocre and if Arian Foster gets hurt they are screwed.  They have guys like JJ Watt on defense, but one guy can't carry a team. And their coach is Gary Kubiak who fucking sucks, so I say they miss the playoffs this year and they can his ass.  The Titans and the Jaguars, who the fuck cares, they wont be good that's all I know.

AFC West

Broncos 11-5
Chiefs 10-6#
Chargers 7-9
Raiders 3-13

The Broncos will have a great season but the playoffs is another story.  The Chiefs are my surprise out of nowhere team that makes the playoffs this year.  If Alex Smith just manages the game and Jamal Charles stays healthy they could potentially pull off 10 wins.  A new coach, who even though is falling out at Philly was rough, he still is a better coach than 50% of the league and they have some decent talent on that team already.  I know its a longshot, but what the hell that's why it is a prediction. I just had to look up if Norv Turner finally got fired from the Chargers.  He did.  No idea why that took so long.  He wasted so much talent in San Diego and now that talent is getting older.  I say they have a mediocre year and in two years Philip Rivers is out of the league.  The Raiders will fire their coach 1/2 through the season, just because that's what the Raiders do.

AFC Wild Card

Steelers Over Ravens
Patriots Over Chiefs

AFC Divisional

Steelers over Broncos
Colts over Patriots

AFC Championship

Colts over Steelers

Tomorrow NFC Preview and Super Bowl Prediction.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Menino says Detroit sucks Leyland tells him to shut the fuck up

Who does Leyland think he is? I mean it's not like menino is speaking lies here. Detroit is a shithole, Boston is a beacon of america imperialism. Detroit should take some examples from us on how to run a city without going bankrupt. Menino would have Detroit back on its feet in 5 years. I don't understand why menino apologized, if anything Leyland should apologize to menino. A simple "mayor menino spoke the truth and I overreacted" would be enough in my opinion. 

PS. Why do people from Detroit defend the city so much? I'm pretty sure if I was from there id say "yep place is fucked up" but no all you hear is "it's not that bad" um no sir that's incorrect.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jared Sullinger arrested

This is not how I think Ainge saw the rebuilding process starting.  Sullinger will most likely get a restraining order, pay a fine and get a 5-10 game suspension from the league.  Either way it's tough to root for a guy who beats women. And on top of that you need to start worrying about if this guy has a drinking or drug problem.  I mean when people do this type of harm to someone they are usually under the influence of something.  I mean the guy is 21 years old with a lot of money to burn.  So all the people that bitch about Rondo being a pain in the ass, you are right but at least he does not beat up women (as of this blog posting, you never know with these guys).  All in all I think our boy Rick pitino said it best:

Tomase is a fucking hack

One of the reasons I started this blog was because of the constant negativity from Boston's sports writers and radio hosts.  Well here ladies and gentlemen is another steaming pile of shit by John Tomase I bet this guy had the biggest boner when the Sox lost 3-0 to one of the best teams in baseball yesterday.  And if you actually watched the game it was just an aggravating baseball loss.  Lackey was pitching great, but the Sox couldn't score any runs and I believe they hit into three double plays.  It always sucks to lose, but this is baseball and shit like that is going to happen.  So after this team goes 7-3 in their last 10, Tomase sees an opportunity to take a shit in the punchbowl. And this fucking guy is fat, so that was one stinky shit in the punchbowl. Honest to fuck, this is the only way these guys now how to write.  Also this is the same shithead who can not cover the Patriots anymore because he wrote a piece of garbage story saying the Pats cheated against the Rams in SB 36, which turned out to not be truth.  This ugly asshole just made it up.  I honestly do not know how this guy still can have a job in sports journalism. Let alone a job in Boston.
Voted ugliest man in sports journalism seven years in a row. Congrats John!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dr Creepy holds Nick Cafardo at gun point and forces him to write this article

I saw this article on the Globe tonight and it just felt like Dr. Creepy's reign of terror of controlling all the media in Boston is starting to take shape.  I mean who gives a shit if a stadium that holds 37K only gets 32K to go to the games each night.  It's not that big of an issue.  But anyway Cafardo seems absolutely stunned that the place is not selling out anymore.  Well sir, let me give you a few reasons why the place is not selling out.

  • Sox Fans intensely dislike the owners. This does play a small part I believe. you look at these assholes and say to yourself, why give them my hard earned money when they don't give a shit about this team.  In Boston we have two awesome owners (Kraft and Grousbeck) and two shitty owners (these fucking guys and Jacobs).  Recently the Bruins have taken a giant step forward and realized everyone hates Jacobs and he made Neely the face of the franchise.  But why do we love Kraft and Grousbeck the most? because they truly fucking care about their teams.  Even if it's an act, which I don't think it is, because people from Massachusetts can smell bullshit, it's an act we are buying.

  • 2011 & 2012. I know its not fair to compare this team to those teams, but still it stings

  • Baseball is boring. A typical game is over 3 hours long, a Sox Yankees games is usually 4+ hours long.  Who wants to invest that much time in anything. (except of course reading this blog)

  • HDTV.  My cable bill costs as much as my mortgage right now.  Why the hell do I want to go into the city to watch the game when its on TV?

  • Fenway Park Sucks. I feel like if you say this to anyone over the age of 50 they lose their mind, but seriously the park sucks.  Its so awkward and so small and the seats are uncomfortable.  Yes all the bars and restaurants outside Fenway are great, but the actually park blows.

  • Lastly the most important thing, the cost. For the cost of a Red Sox game, you can get a hotel room down the Cape for two nights.  I'm a father of a family of four.  I know my two kids will have more fund playing at the beach then sitting in a 100 year old seat for 4 hours. and the best part the hard working hotel owner gets my hard earned money and not this guy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rolling Stone and Ron Borges are a worst threat to our national security than Syria

Well if Rolling Stone magazines goal was to never have a paying customer from Massachusetts again they definitely achieved their goal. Obviously the Tsarnev dreamboat photo was disgusting, but then to go ahead and try to blame BB for the murder of Odin Lloyd, I mean a guy who is a king in this state, is ridiculous.  Just some points that from this horrible piece of shit that they call journalism:

  • Hernandez smoked PCP.  Ok he probably did, we know he smoked weed, but he probably also did LSD and coke too.  Hernandez is a murdering psychopath so you could tell me he did every drug on the planet and I would not be shocked.

  • BB told Hernandez to get a safe house. Get the FUCK outta here. 

  • Urban Meyer covered up a drive by shooting. UM is a scumbag, but so is every college football coach.  I know things are ass backwards in the South and UM probably covers up a lot of shit for his players, but a drive-by?  I don't think UM could pull that off.  I mean if I'm looking to cover up a drive by shooting I'm not going to a 40ish year old white guy to cover it up.... then again maybe I am. ...... anyway just not enough sources to back this crazy claim up.

  • BB hired the current head of security for the Pats. As much as I would like to admit BB hired this guy we all know he didn't.  I mean just look at Briggs resume for a quick second.  Its fucking unreal in regard to military shit and security, the guy is top notch, but BB is more worried about the draft board and the 4-3 defense.  The Kraft family is more worried about their billion dollar stadium getting  bombed from al Qaeda than BB, so I'm making a crazy guess here and saying the Krafts hired Briggs and not BB.  Briggs job as head of security is to ensure the security of the stadium and its attendants.  We all want to think Briggs is Mike Ermantraut and digging up dirt on all the Pats players, but BB is not Gustavo Fring and the Patriots are not Los Pollos Hermanos.  They are trying to win NFL games not build a meth empire.

  • NFL teams claiming they took Hernandez off the draft board. Ok where were these teams 4 months agao????These teams are the same type of people who say they knew Blackberry would be obsolete.  No you didn't.  4 years ago almost everyone had a blackberry, and 4 years ago Hernandez looked like a 1st  round pick.  Yes he dropped because he was a fucking asshole, but don't tell me you took him off your board.  If the pats don't take him in the 4th round, some other fucking team drafts him in the 5th round.

  • Patriots players go to strip clubs in Southie. Not sure how the fuck that is possible because there are no fucking strip clubs in Southie!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Patriots players go to Brockton to get weed. HAHAHA! I mean come on. Why the hell would a pats player drive to Brockton to get weed?  1st of all if they need weed it probably gets delivered to them, 2nd of all I'm sure w/ the injuries these guys get they easily could get an RX for it and 3rd, I don't know who the fuck cares it's weed.
Lastly how is it that ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!!!!!!!!!! out of nowhere the Rolling Stone gets all these sources, but not the Globe, Herald, Pro-Jo, NESN, CSNNE and the hundreds of other local media in this region, not to mention national media and the blogosphere.  You know why because 50% of this shit is made up.

If you dont shed a tear during this, you do not have a soul.

Just found out this little girl is from Stoughton. Her oldest sister has been my daughters swim teacher in the past. She will beat this.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Houston Astros are the most profitable team in MLB history

I don't think why people are beyond pissed about this. I know its a scumbag move by the Astros owner, but he is treating it like a business and making a shitload of cash.  Buy Low, Sell High.  So that is that.

HOWEVER.... baseball is supposed to be a game.  So in a game there are rules and I think this is why MLB needs to apply a hard salary floor of $60 million per team.  Because teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers and Phillies are contributing to the Astros financial fortune via revenue sharing.  Its like a weird sports combo of capitalism and socialism.  I think applying this hard cap will also make MLB a more competitive game. I mean the Royals and Pirates are always profitable and they are usually (until recently) a fucking mess.  Basically if you just mail it in you will get paid, there's really no motivation for those franchises to succeed.  I don't even know why I'm bitching about this because MLB will never change.  Applying a simple rule like this seems common sense, but how can I trust an organization to make a common sense decision if they cant even suspend A-Rod after he was caught red-handed with steroids.

Gays cutting people with rings to spread AIDS

Jesus Christ Obama! Stop worrying about fucking Syria and start taking care of business here in America.  Right now we need to start repealing all gay rights and start going after these assholes.  Our children's future is at stake!

PS. What the fuck is up with Jerry Garcia giving commentary?

Monday, August 26, 2013


That's the Red Sox record right now.  1.5 games up in the East. 132 down, 30 to go.  3 more wins and my prediction of 79 wins for the season is a joke and I could not be happier.  But there is nothing to celebrate now, we have seen this team shit their pants, time and time again when shit gets real but I think we can all agree that this team is A LOT! different than 2011.  The pitching staff is on fire and the offense is not unreal, but efficient and that ladies and gentlemen is the sign of a winning team in today's post-PED era.  So the remaining teams to play:

Orioles: 9 games
White Sox 3 games
Tigers 3 games
Yankees 7 games
Rays 3 games
Blue Jays 3 games
Rockies 2 games

So I know I said a week or so ago that 95-97 wins clinches the division.  I am still sticking to that call.  However I'm making a small tweek to that, I think 94 wins also gets it done.  Time will tell.  but right now an 18-12 run makes the Sox at 95 wins.  I don't think it will be a cake walk at all, but if Peavy, Lester, Lackey and Dubront keep up their current performances I don't know many other teams that have a top 4 like that that can compete w/ us.  Maybe Detroit, but lets worry about that when we get there.  Yes I excluded Bucholz.  fuck him.  Bold Prediction right here, this team makes a run w/out Bucholz.  Something will happen shortly after Labor Day that shuts him down for the year and the Sox look to trade him over the offseason.  but that will be another blog for another day.

Yikes! Selig might wanna give Wally a PED drug test.  Dudes biceps are out of control here!

I am so sick of hearing about Scott Fucking Brown

Honest to shit this article caused me to have horrible, horrible diarrhea.  And then you watch the video and I just question life.  I didn't start this blog to get political, but even if I did why would I mention Scott Brown.  Dude was a senator for less than 3 years, but he is ALWAYS! in the news.  And when he is on the news he is either dragging his feet about entering another election race or doing shit like this.  He is not ever going to run for office again, so the guy can just cut the shit.  But the fact that he even mentions it gets people all hot and bothered.  I guess I am being a hater, because he is allowed to do this shit, since he is one out of 6 republicans in the whole state of Massachusetts, but fuck man, just stop rubbing it in. 

Will Gale Bedekker always be known as Gale Bedekker?

To me yes, but I am a huge Breaking Bad guy, but I think almost every white person in the world is a Breaking Bad fan.  I don't think its a bad thing.  I have actually seen him in two things since he was offed by Jesse.  He was in Lincoln and he's got a big role in the new AMC series Low Winter Sun. The guy is a really good actor, but each time I see him I say "oh what's Gale up to now?"

PS: look up the cast of episode 14.  Krazy 8, Jane, Mike and Gale return.  Holy Eff!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Best Law & Order SVU episode ever is airing this fall

Well this will be interesting. I can not wait to watch this episode.  It will be appointment viewing at the McGuire household.  My bet is that a racist restaurant owner demands that her black cook use more butter in this cooking, but the black cook has a conscience and is worried about the ongoing obesity problem in the black community.  He refuses to use more butter in his cooking.  Tension builds between the racist owner and the black cook.  One night the racist owner is drinking heavily with a fellow racist patron and bitching about Obamacare, the chef who is clearly agitated makes  a comment about how Obamacare is good for the middle-class.  Tension is at all  time high.  The cook goes back to the kitchen, the racist patron throws down a shot of Jack, says goodbye to the racist owner and walks out the door.  The owner is still agitated and follows the cook into the kitchen.  The owner sees a butcher knife missing from the kitchen and senses the cook is going to stab her.  She grabs the nearest sharp object (a butter knife) and walks into the back of the kitchen.  The walk in cooler door is ajar.  The racist owner walks in and the cook shouts "Hey, you still here?" startled by his loud voice the owner jabs the butter knife into the cooks throat and he falls down, convulses and dies.  The owner sees the butcher knife outside the walk in cooler door.  She grabs a towel, picks up the knife and places it in the dead cooks right hand.  Queue the law and order music, cut to commercial.
OMG! We're out of butter!!!!!

Ichiro really only has 2,722 hits

Everyone is going nuts saying Ichiro has 4,000 hits this morning, but then I look up his stats today on Baseball Reference and he only has 2,722 hits so MLB is counting the other 1,278 hits from Japan.  Talk about the wussification of America.  Do not get me wrong Ichiro is still a HOF, but let’s stop jerking him off here for just a minute. I mean under these rules all MLB players should count their AAA hits and college hits right?  I do not know why Ichiro gets to include his Japan League hits. My Grandfather is rolling over in his grave right now over this shit.
Why are they cheering me for 4,000 hits?? Oh ya that's right, Americans suck at math.

Gronk gives Brockton kids $45,000 worth of football equipment

I guarantee you will not here about this from the anti – patriots jihadists (Felger, Mazz, Borges, I'm looking at you), whose job is to portray Gronk as a guy who just parties and doesn’t care about his team or healing his body.  Nope, you will not hear this story from them because that would not help their jihadist agenda.  Anything or anyone who makes the Patriots look good is considered an infidel, and the story is not reported and silenced.  This explains why you are reading about it in the Brockton Enterprise and not the Globe or Herald.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

India is Bullshit about the price of Onions

People protesting, governments falling Shit is getting real in India.  So bad now, that people are robbing onion trucks.  I was always under the assumption that India was a peaceful country, which they typically are but if you fuck with their food, you are in a world of pain. 

LSD is good for you

I get this, if you are some crazy asshole who walks around saying they see demons but then you take LSD, then you really are fucking seeing demons, so BOOM mental health problem solved. Now you really are seeing the demons because you’re on LSD buddy, might even see a flying submarine and a pink elephant or two as well buddy, which is a lot more enjoyable then seeing demons.  Honestly we are getting to the point now that all drugs that are illegal are really good for you.  Plus shit like meth and bath salts are basically making doing LSD seem as dangerous as talking advil now. I would not be surprised if next week we hear a story that Meth use cures toothaches.  Actually that is true when you think of it, I mean you use meth, you lose all your teeth so you can’t have toothaches.  I think I just made an amazing scientific discovery.
Alice? did you drop acid again?

Slackers want 63% raise.

You give these occupy hippies a 63%   and next year they’ll ask for a 150% raise and then 10 years from now the whole country will go to shit because then everyone would make a livable wage, have a decent 401k and health insurance . I mean if that happens who are corporations and the government going to oppress?  I mean wants the point of being rich when you can’t drive by a crappy neighborhood and says things like “shit that must suck” or seeing a dude work for 8.50 an hour at Dunkin and say “glad Im not that guy” you give these type of people decent wages and it ruins the morale of this country.
yeah, that's right I work at BK and drive a beamer