Monday, August 26, 2013

I am so sick of hearing about Scott Fucking Brown

Honest to shit this article caused me to have horrible, horrible diarrhea.  And then you watch the video and I just question life.  I didn't start this blog to get political, but even if I did why would I mention Scott Brown.  Dude was a senator for less than 3 years, but he is ALWAYS! in the news.  And when he is on the news he is either dragging his feet about entering another election race or doing shit like this.  He is not ever going to run for office again, so the guy can just cut the shit.  But the fact that he even mentions it gets people all hot and bothered.  I guess I am being a hater, because he is allowed to do this shit, since he is one out of 6 republicans in the whole state of Massachusetts, but fuck man, just stop rubbing it in. 

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