Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dr Creepy holds Nick Cafardo at gun point and forces him to write this article

I saw this article on the Globe tonight and it just felt like Dr. Creepy's reign of terror of controlling all the media in Boston is starting to take shape.  I mean who gives a shit if a stadium that holds 37K only gets 32K to go to the games each night.  It's not that big of an issue.  But anyway Cafardo seems absolutely stunned that the place is not selling out anymore.  Well sir, let me give you a few reasons why the place is not selling out.

  • Sox Fans intensely dislike the owners. This does play a small part I believe. you look at these assholes and say to yourself, why give them my hard earned money when they don't give a shit about this team.  In Boston we have two awesome owners (Kraft and Grousbeck) and two shitty owners (these fucking guys and Jacobs).  Recently the Bruins have taken a giant step forward and realized everyone hates Jacobs and he made Neely the face of the franchise.  But why do we love Kraft and Grousbeck the most? because they truly fucking care about their teams.  Even if it's an act, which I don't think it is, because people from Massachusetts can smell bullshit, it's an act we are buying.

  • 2011 & 2012. I know its not fair to compare this team to those teams, but still it stings

  • Baseball is boring. A typical game is over 3 hours long, a Sox Yankees games is usually 4+ hours long.  Who wants to invest that much time in anything. (except of course reading this blog)

  • HDTV.  My cable bill costs as much as my mortgage right now.  Why the hell do I want to go into the city to watch the game when its on TV?

  • Fenway Park Sucks. I feel like if you say this to anyone over the age of 50 they lose their mind, but seriously the park sucks.  Its so awkward and so small and the seats are uncomfortable.  Yes all the bars and restaurants outside Fenway are great, but the actually park blows.

  • Lastly the most important thing, the cost. For the cost of a Red Sox game, you can get a hotel room down the Cape for two nights.  I'm a father of a family of four.  I know my two kids will have more fund playing at the beach then sitting in a 100 year old seat for 4 hours. and the best part the hard working hotel owner gets my hard earned money and not this guy.

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