Monday, August 26, 2013


That's the Red Sox record right now.  1.5 games up in the East. 132 down, 30 to go.  3 more wins and my prediction of 79 wins for the season is a joke and I could not be happier.  But there is nothing to celebrate now, we have seen this team shit their pants, time and time again when shit gets real but I think we can all agree that this team is A LOT! different than 2011.  The pitching staff is on fire and the offense is not unreal, but efficient and that ladies and gentlemen is the sign of a winning team in today's post-PED era.  So the remaining teams to play:

Orioles: 9 games
White Sox 3 games
Tigers 3 games
Yankees 7 games
Rays 3 games
Blue Jays 3 games
Rockies 2 games

So I know I said a week or so ago that 95-97 wins clinches the division.  I am still sticking to that call.  However I'm making a small tweek to that, I think 94 wins also gets it done.  Time will tell.  but right now an 18-12 run makes the Sox at 95 wins.  I don't think it will be a cake walk at all, but if Peavy, Lester, Lackey and Dubront keep up their current performances I don't know many other teams that have a top 4 like that that can compete w/ us.  Maybe Detroit, but lets worry about that when we get there.  Yes I excluded Bucholz.  fuck him.  Bold Prediction right here, this team makes a run w/out Bucholz.  Something will happen shortly after Labor Day that shuts him down for the year and the Sox look to trade him over the offseason.  but that will be another blog for another day.

Yikes! Selig might wanna give Wally a PED drug test.  Dudes biceps are out of control here!

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