Saturday, August 17, 2013

Papa John's won't tell the public what ingredients are in their "Pizza"

The shit that Papa John's makes doesn't even deserve to be qualified as "pizza".  I don't know what to call it.  Lets just call it shit because I cant think of another creative term at the moment.
Overall, fast food chains have been in the news a lot lately.  But the stuff in the news has all been pretty pointless.  You know, like Fast Food is bad for you and these places won’t list their ingredients.  But at the same time this is America so if you don’t know fast food is not good for you then you are a moron and also if you think it is shady that a some fast food places wont list their ingredients then just don’t eat there.  Listen Papa Johns pizza is awful, so I am not going to eat there if they tell me they make their pepperoni out of Kobe Beef and their tomatoes are some rare crossbreed made in a lab by Stephen Hawking, but what the eff are we talking about here?  When you order a pizza you already know the ingredients, I mean you as the consumer pick the effn ingredients.  Pizza is sauce, dough, cheese,  and whatever effn toppings you choose.  And since papa john’s gives their pizza away all the time for about $11 for a large pie you can bet you’re ass all the ingredients are frozen and the lowest quality. So I don't know why this is even a story.  I think the bigger story I have is why does Papa John only wear red shirts? and why does this asshole always have to be in the commercials telling us that his pizza is so effn great. Bro, buy some new shirts and get the eff out of your commercials.  I don't even eat your pizza and I'm sick of looking at your ugly mug.
Hey!!!!! who's that guy on the box? oh? its me.

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