Wednesday, August 21, 2013

LSD is good for you

I get this, if you are some crazy asshole who walks around saying they see demons but then you take LSD, then you really are fucking seeing demons, so BOOM mental health problem solved. Now you really are seeing the demons because you’re on LSD buddy, might even see a flying submarine and a pink elephant or two as well buddy, which is a lot more enjoyable then seeing demons.  Honestly we are getting to the point now that all drugs that are illegal are really good for you.  Plus shit like meth and bath salts are basically making doing LSD seem as dangerous as talking advil now. I would not be surprised if next week we hear a story that Meth use cures toothaches.  Actually that is true when you think of it, I mean you use meth, you lose all your teeth so you can’t have toothaches.  I think I just made an amazing scientific discovery.
Alice? did you drop acid again?

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