Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Its harder to buy nail polish remover now than an AR-15

Americans might be lazy as hell but you can not question our motivation and determination when it comes to making meth and stop people from making meth.  It amazes me that we cant fucking agree on how to solve real issues like social security and medical care but when it come to meth we get shit done! And it doesn’t matter what side of the meth fence you are on.  If you are someone who loves meth and wants to make it, you’ll find a fucking way to make it.  “Well Ok big government you say I cant buy 100 cases of Sufafed to make a batch of ice, well screw you I’m using nail polish remover, oh I cant use nail polish remover now, I'm going to start using cheap cologne and hair spray”.  And then on the other side of the fence you have the feds, who invented meth in the 1st place, going to great lengths to prevent the meth heads from making meth.  At the drop of a dime they just change policies to prevent this, but meanwhile some terrorist asshole could walk into Home Depot right now and buy all the products needed to build a bomb and no way gives a shit, but meth! SLOW THE fuck down grandma, we need all your personal info before you buy that nail polish remover.  Completely bonkers!  If I’m Walgreens or Rite Aid I'm tapping into the meth market, just making a mockery out of CVS, I'm putting out pull page ads in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.  NAIL POLISH REMOVER BUY 1 GET 1 FREE, UNLIMITED AMOUNTS! NO ID REQUIRED!

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