Friday, August 9, 2013

How the fuck does Wal-Mart Stay in Business?

Just a quick tip to save you time, this senior director at Wal-Mart is a moron comparing   
12 lowly paid interns at the Nation to the thousands of Wal Mart employees. I mean come on buddy, you need a better comeback than that.  I get you probably have these liberal sonofabitches exposing  your awful labor practices but still do a little homework before making an ass out of yourself.  But back to the point at hand, how does Wally World stay in business?  And not only does it continue to stay in business, but it is constantly pulling in record profits.  Obviously all this bad press for them does not affect the bottom line, in fact it probably is better for them because its free advertising.  “Hey! Who is america’s favorite retailer than treats their employees like shit? WAL-MART!!! Come on down because not only are rolling back prices we’re rolling back employee benefits and salaries.”  Personally I cant shop there.  No, not because I'm some nut job activist making a statement, its because the place is fucking gross.  Just make a trip to the Wal-Mart in Avon, and if you don’t walk out of there w/ some sort of sickness then consider it a small victory for yourself.
The Boss w/ a Wal-Mart Welcome Jacket? Sure why not?

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