Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rolling Stone and Ron Borges are a worst threat to our national security than Syria

Well if Rolling Stone magazines goal was to never have a paying customer from Massachusetts again they definitely achieved their goal. Obviously the Tsarnev dreamboat photo was disgusting, but then to go ahead and try to blame BB for the murder of Odin Lloyd, I mean a guy who is a king in this state, is ridiculous.  Just some points that from this horrible piece of shit that they call journalism:

  • Hernandez smoked PCP.  Ok he probably did, we know he smoked weed, but he probably also did LSD and coke too.  Hernandez is a murdering psychopath so you could tell me he did every drug on the planet and I would not be shocked.

  • BB told Hernandez to get a safe house. Get the FUCK outta here. 

  • Urban Meyer covered up a drive by shooting. UM is a scumbag, but so is every college football coach.  I know things are ass backwards in the South and UM probably covers up a lot of shit for his players, but a drive-by?  I don't think UM could pull that off.  I mean if I'm looking to cover up a drive by shooting I'm not going to a 40ish year old white guy to cover it up.... then again maybe I am. ...... anyway just not enough sources to back this crazy claim up.

  • BB hired the current head of security for the Pats. As much as I would like to admit BB hired this guy we all know he didn't.  I mean just look at Briggs resume for a quick second.  Its fucking unreal in regard to military shit and security, the guy is top notch, but BB is more worried about the draft board and the 4-3 defense.  The Kraft family is more worried about their billion dollar stadium getting  bombed from al Qaeda than BB, so I'm making a crazy guess here and saying the Krafts hired Briggs and not BB.  Briggs job as head of security is to ensure the security of the stadium and its attendants.  We all want to think Briggs is Mike Ermantraut and digging up dirt on all the Pats players, but BB is not Gustavo Fring and the Patriots are not Los Pollos Hermanos.  They are trying to win NFL games not build a meth empire.

  • NFL teams claiming they took Hernandez off the draft board. Ok where were these teams 4 months agao????These teams are the same type of people who say they knew Blackberry would be obsolete.  No you didn't.  4 years ago almost everyone had a blackberry, and 4 years ago Hernandez looked like a 1st  round pick.  Yes he dropped because he was a fucking asshole, but don't tell me you took him off your board.  If the pats don't take him in the 4th round, some other fucking team drafts him in the 5th round.

  • Patriots players go to strip clubs in Southie. Not sure how the fuck that is possible because there are no fucking strip clubs in Southie!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Patriots players go to Brockton to get weed. HAHAHA! I mean come on. Why the hell would a pats player drive to Brockton to get weed?  1st of all if they need weed it probably gets delivered to them, 2nd of all I'm sure w/ the injuries these guys get they easily could get an RX for it and 3rd, I don't know who the fuck cares it's weed.
Lastly how is it that ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!!!!!!!!!! out of nowhere the Rolling Stone gets all these sources, but not the Globe, Herald, Pro-Jo, NESN, CSNNE and the hundreds of other local media in this region, not to mention national media and the blogosphere.  You know why because 50% of this shit is made up.

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