Thursday, August 22, 2013

Best Law & Order SVU episode ever is airing this fall

Well this will be interesting. I can not wait to watch this episode.  It will be appointment viewing at the McGuire household.  My bet is that a racist restaurant owner demands that her black cook use more butter in this cooking, but the black cook has a conscience and is worried about the ongoing obesity problem in the black community.  He refuses to use more butter in his cooking.  Tension builds between the racist owner and the black cook.  One night the racist owner is drinking heavily with a fellow racist patron and bitching about Obamacare, the chef who is clearly agitated makes  a comment about how Obamacare is good for the middle-class.  Tension is at all  time high.  The cook goes back to the kitchen, the racist patron throws down a shot of Jack, says goodbye to the racist owner and walks out the door.  The owner is still agitated and follows the cook into the kitchen.  The owner sees a butcher knife missing from the kitchen and senses the cook is going to stab her.  She grabs the nearest sharp object (a butter knife) and walks into the back of the kitchen.  The walk in cooler door is ajar.  The racist owner walks in and the cook shouts "Hey, you still here?" startled by his loud voice the owner jabs the butter knife into the cooks throat and he falls down, convulses and dies.  The owner sees the butcher knife outside the walk in cooler door.  She grabs a towel, picks up the knife and places it in the dead cooks right hand.  Queue the law and order music, cut to commercial.
OMG! We're out of butter!!!!!

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