Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mexico! Watch Out….. Part Dos

The WAFFLE TACO!  God this looks gross.  Anything from Taco bell looks gross, but in order to get back our fattest country in the world title from Mexico we need to start eating a lot more calories with our 1st meal of the day, because clearly donuts, muffins and hash browns ain’t cutting it.  So you start off your day w/ the waffle taco and then for lunch you head to Dunks for your pretzel sandwich.  Now we just need one of our great American fast food joints to come up w/ a high calorie dinner.  I’m thinking two slices of cheese pizza with pulled pork in the middle of it.  Slap on some BBQ sauce on that mofo and there you go.  Call in the Pulled Pizza sandwich.  Dominoes, call me.

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