Thursday, August 8, 2013

Welker says Coach BB is an asshole

First off I love Welker I'm not one of these Pats fans who thinks that he is a bum now since he is no longer wearing the Flying Elvis.  I also think BB is the best coach in the game of our era.  But I do think Wes is being a little odd here.  Please don’t tell me you left because of Coach BB.  We all know it was about straight cash homey.  So that’s that.  But to say that Coach BB got on him harder than ever before, I mean sorry guy, you were getting paid top dollar to be our best WR, so with all that money comes a lot of responsibility.  I mean I know BB is a complete dick sometimes, but he also is the boss.  I know when Welker said those foot jokes before the Jets Playoff Game loss it drove BB nuts and he sat him out on the 1st series of that game.  It was dumb and BB does have some dumb rules in regard to the media, but don’t we all have dumb sh*t rules at our place of employment?  Sometimes you ask yourself, why the crap do we even have to do obide by this rule in regard to taking off a day from work or why the crap is this website blocked? (non-adult people!!!!) and yes it probably is stupid, but if you don’t follow those rules you risk pissing off your boss and then having them hold a grudge against you.  So you just follow through, sit in your cube in misery for 8 hours as you wonder if prisoners have more rights in a cell than you do in your cube and you move on with life.  So yes BB probably has some ridiculous rules in regard to the media as coach of the Pats but I also have Shutterfly blocked at my work, which prevents me from looking at pictures of my children from our recent vacation.  Both dumb rules yes, but Im not going to walk out of here because of it. Overall both guys had very different personalities and it worked for a long time, but it is probably better both moved on. 

PS. The broncos will not be as good as people think this year.  I say 10-6.

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