Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dr. Cheech Gupta

its 2013. How is weed still illegal?       
I think we can all agree that we have a billion more problems in this world than some hippies taking bong hits.  We all know Nixon made this stuff illegal in the 1st place to pissed off the hippies, now it is not illegal because a) the government would lose millions of jobs because  they are constantly busting people for weed,  b) so many lobbyists from the alcohol industry want it to stay illegal because once weed is legal they will lose a HUGE market share and c) the pharm industry would also lose millions of dollars because instead of taking Prozac people will be smoke jibba. I feel in civilized places like the east and west coast we have made progress but there is still a huge majority of people who still want it illegal.  Honest to shit let the free market decide, Big govt should nt tell us if we can or can not have our weed. 

PS. once Dr.OZ shares the opinion as Dr. Gupta forget about it game over.  Once Dr. Oz speaks all the soccer moms get on board and that is an army no one wants to fuck with

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