Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mark McGwire wishes he was never part of the PED era

"You know, that's a tough question. Wish I was never part of it. Obviously, you wish there were things in place earlier, but they were put in 2003 so let's hope and pray this is the end of it. Everybody, especially the players, don't want any more part of it. Just hope this is the end of it."

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllllllllllsssshhiiitttttt  Get out of here buddy. If it was not for your constant roid cycles you would have been out of the league very early guy.  I mean does anyone remember this guy playing 1st base? He was a trainwreck.  The year McGwire hit 70 home runs (1998) he had 12 errors, the next year he hit 65 homers but had 13 errors.  To put that in perspective Mike Napoli has played 97 games so far this season at 1st and he has 5 errors.  AND!!! This is the most games ever Napoli has ever played at 1st.  In today’s MLB no way McGwire has a job because he cant fucking play the field.  He’d be lucky to get a DH gig w/ a team like the Blue Jays for the veteran minimum. 

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