Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is Pujols contract worse than A-Rod’s?

Every since A-Rod has come back there was non stop chatter about how awful his contract is, which do not get me wrong is fucking horrendous, but I don’t feel bad because it is the Yankees and they can go to hell.  But taking a closer look at A-Rods deal he only has 4 years left and in the remaining 4 years of his deal his salary drops.  He’ll get 25M in 2014, 21M in 2015 and 20M in 2016 and 2017.  He also gets 30M each time he passes a HR milestone, but time will tell when that happens.  And if it does I don’t think the Yankees will mind paying it because the media attention on the organization will be nuts, not that the Yankees need it, but still publicity is publicity. Also with A-Rods’ looming suspension the Yankees most likely will not pay all of the $25M due in 2014. 

On the other hand we have Pujols who right now is done for the year and he just is not the same ever since signed with the Angels.  He is 33 (which in Dominican years is really 36) and he is on the team for another 8 years went he’ll be 41 (or 44 in Dominican years). PLUS!!!! His salary goes up every year of the contract. This year he made 16M in 2021 he’ll make 30M.  I mean I still think Pujols will be good but he will not be 30M good, nobody is, especially at the age of 41!  Factor in his awful contract w/ the contract of Josh Hamilton and CJ Wilson and w/ the Rangers and Athletics continuing to always have success I don’t think the Angels ever make the playoffs as long as Pujols is there.  Yep, I just said that next time the Angels make the playoffs will be 2022.  Bold prediction by me, talk to me in 10 years to congratulate me when I’m right.
Remember this Baseball Preview cover from last year?  Angels still have not even sniffed the playoffs.

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