Monday, August 5, 2013

Cody Ross is whining like a bitch

Honest to shit I can not stand when athletes do this crap.  “wah I was lied too” or “wah I was disrespected”.  Grow a pair Cody!!! I mean do you realize how many times in our working career, cube monkeys like myself are lied too?  I think I have already been lied to about 3 times today by my superiors alone, (Note:  it was only 1230 when I wrote this) so seriously Cody no one cares.  ESPECIALLY when you end up getting a 3 year $26 million contract anyway from Arizona.  Could the Red Sox have kept you for cheaper than Victorino? Probably yes, but two things I firmly believe Victorino is better than Ross. (stats below) and lastly the Sox wanted to remove  everything associated with the 2012 season.  Ross was a good solider when he was here, but he was a victim of circumstance so to speak.  I hate even using the term victim for Ross, guy still struck it rich. In short fuck him.

Shane Victorino 79 Games, .290 BA, 7 HR, 34 RBI (Fielding 2 Errors, 7 Assists) 3 Gold Gloves 2 All Star Games
Cody Ross 89 Games, .279 BA, 7 HR, 35 RBI (Fielding 0 Errors, 4 Assists) 1 NLCS MVP

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