Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is anyone really going to watch the Premier League on NBC Sports?

NBC Sports is going to show every Premier League game on all of their NBC networks starting next weekend, but are people going to watch it?  I know there are a lot of hardcore soccer fans out there so yes of course they will watch it, but also the NFL is starting too, so how can you expect normal sports fans to tune in?  Also how can you root for a specific team if you don't have a team to root for?  They have this team picker on the NBC Sports website but it is really stupid.  I've done this thing a few times and Liverpool always comes up.  Which OHMYTHEWAY is the team that Uncle Larry and Dr. Creepy own.  What a shocker that they would want all Red Sox fans to root for Liverpool.  I'm sure there are so really good people in England who root for Liverpool, but I know that I just want to see them fail miserable.  So in short I will be watching keeping a close eye on the Premier League this year just to root against Liverpool. 

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