Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Red Sox Offseason Already Heating Up

Pete Abe of the Globe is reporting that the Sox may move away from Salty and possibly sign Brian McCann. You look at the numbers in Pete Abe's columns and I don't get why the Sox are bananas about Brian McCann??? He has less power, and played less games behind the plate, yet he is going to get more money.  Supposedly he is a better defensive catcher, but is it really worth all that extra money?  I guess it is.  I mean Salty did throw away Game 3 of the World Series w/ that stupid throw to 3rd base and he did not hit at all during the postseason.  (minus of course his clutch hit to win ALCS game 2)  If I was running the team I bring back Salty on a 2 year deal. But I'm typing on a laptop writing a blog no one reads so what the hell do I know what I'm doing.

Also I think we all need to relax about the Stephen Drew shit.  So the Sox gave him a qualifying offer and now he may resign w/ the Sox for I don't know 47 million a year.  Who the eff cares.  Its not our money its John Henry's.  Last I check he is a rich fuck so he can spare it.  Also Stephen Drew is not the worst player in the world.  The guy hit .253 w/ 13 homers and 67 rbi's this year w/ an OBP of .333.  Yes he sucked ass hitting in the postseason but he played rock solid defense.  Personally I don't think its the end of the world if they did give him a 3 year deal.  Let Bogarts play third and have Drew man short.  The sports radio knuckleheads are screaming for Drew to get outta town and make Bogarts play short.  But maybe Bogarts does not want to play short... and maybe the Sox want Bogarts to concentrate more on hitting and worry less about playing short.  Either way Im cool w/ it.  We just won the World Series for Christ sake so everyone needs to calm the hell down.

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