Tuesday, November 5, 2013

World Coconut Shortage because to many assholes are drinking Coconut Water

This story is why America is #1 but at the same time it is why the rest of the world hates us.  5 years ago no one gave  a shit about coconuts.  I remember my grandparents bought one for me when I was a kid, I though it was awesome because it was a coconut.  I mean you only see those things on TV, but then I realized you need a hacksaw and a hammer to open it so I realized coconuts suck.  So some hipster dipshit created coconut water a few years ago and of course fitness people flock to it like sheep saying it makes your better in bed or some unproven shit and college kids start drinking it because they think it cures hangovers and BAM! before you know it some guy in the Phillipines who makes 6000 a year is about to lose his job because he can't keep up w/ coconut demand.  AMERICA!!!!!!!! EFF YA.

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