Monday, November 11, 2013

Pierce's House vs KG's House. Take your pick.

It still doesn't look right.  Honestly it's like being reminded of a bad break-up.  Well the break-up wasn't bad, but you get the point.  Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Both of these guys are selling their old homes in suburban Boston.  I know I know I was stunned as well that they didn't own townhouses in Hyde Park.  But if you had unlimited funds which house are you buying?  Here's a tale of the tape:

Pierce 2.65 M. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 partial baths, 7600 sq ft.  Lincoln, Mass
KG 4.2 M, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 partial baths, 11000 sq ft. Concord, Mass

Having a house on a lake is pretty sweet, but the last thing I need in my home is a gym.  I would never use it, so I see it as a waste of space.  Call me frugal but I would take Pierces home.  I think it has just enough room for my entrouage

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