Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pot is legal in Maine now

Pot is now legal in Portland Maine. It just hit me today that in about 5 years pot will be legal everywhere but at the same time peanut butter will probably also be outlawed in public places.  Honestly I don't care if pot is legal or not, people are still going to smoke it no matter what the government says, just now if its legal the government will probably get money for it and not the Mexican cartels.  Anywho it's just completely fucked up than as a society we are being more and more liberal about things like gay marriage and pot but then since we no longer freak out about these pointless social issuess we start freaking out about other pointless social issues like peanut butter allergies, banning soda in schools and kids wearing helmets for playing soccer.  We have officially gone mad.

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