Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sports Hub gets the Celtics Broadcast

As each day passes I am in amazement that WEEI is still afloat.  Yes I get the argument from Callahan on WEEI that they wont lose much add revenue, because not many people listen to the Celtics on the radio and the team could be pretty bad next year.  But my rebuttal is, how long will they be bad for?  I hope not long,  I say a year or two and then they could be competitive.  But not just the broadcast of the games, we are also talking about all the sponsorships, Celtics guests and overall good PR from being the home of the Celtics as well as the Bruins and Patriots.  It's completely crazy how that station has fallen off the map.  How can WEEI get any Celtics guests anymore if they dropped out from broadcasting their games? Seriously how?  I honestly feel bad for anyone who works there..... well except those old racist dinosaurs Dennis & Callahan.  Screw them.

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