Thursday, September 26, 2013

I need to hire Jay-Z as my agent

The big news today in the baseball world, other than the Atlanta Braves/Milwaukee Brewers girl fight last night and the Yankee elimination party is the rumor that Robinson Cano is looking for a 10 year 305 million dollar contract.  HOLY SHIT!!!! that is insane. Honestly I think he gets the money from some team, because if Pujols can get 10 years at 250? what's 10 @ 305 for someone who can not only hit but also field.  Granted there is no way he'll play 2nd base thru that whole contract, but still you can see a team being drunkenly stupid and going forward with this deal.  Lets be honest this is going to be a pissing contest between the Dodgers and the Yankees.  So what do you think is going to happen?  At this moment in time I say the Yankees bite the bullet and give Cano this deal or something similar and then over the offseason they pull of a shady trade with some other team and get rid of Sabathia or Texeiera.  I mean they say they are going to cut money right? so lets see if they stick to their word.  Either way, the Jigga will totally dominate the sports agent game if we can get Cano this deal.
Former Crack Dealer, Future Sports Agent Guru

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