Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Menino says Detroit sucks Leyland tells him to shut the fuck up

Who does Leyland think he is? I mean it's not like menino is speaking lies here. Detroit is a shithole, Boston is a beacon of america imperialism. Detroit should take some examples from us on how to run a city without going bankrupt. Menino would have Detroit back on its feet in 5 years. I don't understand why menino apologized, if anything Leyland should apologize to menino. A simple "mayor menino spoke the truth and I overreacted" would be enough in my opinion. 

PS. Why do people from Detroit defend the city so much? I'm pretty sure if I was from there id say "yep place is fucked up" but no all you hear is "it's not that bad" um no sir that's incorrect.

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