Thursday, September 5, 2013

2013 NFL AFC Preview

Its here ladies and gentlemen, the start of the 2013 NFL season.  As a Patriots fan, I am just excited to talk and watch X's and O's rather than talk about murder investigations.  To say the off season sucked would be kind, it was probably the worst off season in NFL history.  However the Patriots are still one of the contenders for the 2013 Lombardi Trophy. All in all there is no way in hell these predictions below will be correct.

AFC East

Patriots 10-6
Bills 8-8
Dolphins 7-9
Jets 2-14

The Patriots should take this division easily. The Bills will be better than people think, but they wont be great.  Miami will be worse than people think and the Jets will an absolute shit show.

AFC North

Steelers 10-6
Ravens 10-6#
Bengals 9-7
Browns 5-11

This is one of the toughest divisions in football.  I honestly feel bad for the Browns.  How can you ever rebuild if you are in this division.  Stay Strong Cleveland.  Big Ben is a complete piece of crap, but he still is a very good QB, plus the Steelers have a very good coach.  A lot of people are writing off the Steelers but I don't see it.  It will be them and the Ravens in a dogfight for the division, but right now I saw the Steelers have a slight edge.  The Ravens D is still strong, but I don't know if Flacco can keep up his performance from last  year.  However the Ravens will get a wildcard spot. Lastly a lot of people have been jerking off the Bengals, but people forget Marvin Lewis is there coach and he sucks, so someone they'll fuck up and miss the playoffs.

AFC South

Colts 11-5
Texans 9-7
Titans 5-11
Jaguars 4-12

The Colts will continue to improve this year.  I think not only will Andrew Luck continue to do well, but Chuck Pagano is back after his battle with cancer and he will have a HUGE effect on their defense.  This guy came from Baltimore so he knows defense.  The Texans are going to sputter out this year and miss the playoffs.  Matt Schaub is mediocre and if Arian Foster gets hurt they are screwed.  They have guys like JJ Watt on defense, but one guy can't carry a team. And their coach is Gary Kubiak who fucking sucks, so I say they miss the playoffs this year and they can his ass.  The Titans and the Jaguars, who the fuck cares, they wont be good that's all I know.

AFC West

Broncos 11-5
Chiefs 10-6#
Chargers 7-9
Raiders 3-13

The Broncos will have a great season but the playoffs is another story.  The Chiefs are my surprise out of nowhere team that makes the playoffs this year.  If Alex Smith just manages the game and Jamal Charles stays healthy they could potentially pull off 10 wins.  A new coach, who even though is falling out at Philly was rough, he still is a better coach than 50% of the league and they have some decent talent on that team already.  I know its a longshot, but what the hell that's why it is a prediction. I just had to look up if Norv Turner finally got fired from the Chargers.  He did.  No idea why that took so long.  He wasted so much talent in San Diego and now that talent is getting older.  I say they have a mediocre year and in two years Philip Rivers is out of the league.  The Raiders will fire their coach 1/2 through the season, just because that's what the Raiders do.

AFC Wild Card

Steelers Over Ravens
Patriots Over Chiefs

AFC Divisional

Steelers over Broncos
Colts over Patriots

AFC Championship

Colts over Steelers

Tomorrow NFC Preview and Super Bowl Prediction.

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