Monday, December 26, 2016

Netflix Review: Colin Quinn, The New York Story

If you hate political correctness, you'll love Colin Quinn's latest comedy special "The New York Story".  His latest comedy special is a comedian's view of the history of New York City.  Instead of a boring college professor telling you about the how the Dutch first arriving in New York City by accident it is much more entertaining to hear Quinn's take on the history of New York City.  He moves on to describe the Irish arriving, then the Germans, then the Jews, then blacks from the South, Puerto Ricans and basically every one from all parts of the world.  Quinn argues that if we try to ignore somebody's heritage in the name of politeness, then we are ignoring what New York City so unique to begin with.  He's not saying be racist and prejudice, but he's arguing that being politically correct does more harm than good.  Basically being so crazy politically correct, makes up more uptight and bigger assholes as human beings, than just accepting people for who they are and not trying to realize we are different.  New York City was basically found my accident and all different people coming to New York City from all different parts of the world makes New York City the world craziest accidentally experience. If you are a fan of his old show from the early 2000's "tough crowd" this comedy special is a must watch.

Grade: B+

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