Saturday, December 10, 2016

HBO Series Review: WestWorld

Alright I realize everyone and their mother has watched this show, so writing a review about it is pretty damn dumb, we all know the show is straight fire.  I think the goal of this show, from the perspective of the big wigs at HBO, is to have Westworld be the franchise of all the HBO programming after Game of Thrones hangs it up in a few years.  Game of Thrones has two short seasons left.  The next one is due to come out in Summer 2017 and I think the last one will come out shortly after that.  Let's say Spring 2018.  At this point you'll see Westworld come back.  It's not due to come back until 2018, since in my opinion, I do not think the executives at HBO had much confidence that the show was going to be a smash hit.  Well it was and we can not complain that it will not come back for another 18-24 months.  There is plenty of other stuff on TV to watch to keep us occupied.  (you could also start a hobby other that watching TV, but that would take to much effort) If you have not watched it, please do and do not read past this sentence. To everyone who has seen it, get ready to have your mind blown.

The acting of Ed Harris and Evan Rachel Wood was awesome, and Anthony Hopkins was so damn good. Extra showouts to the girl who played Maeve and the guy who played Bernard/Arnold.  All around just great acting and all the special effects were great too. I can not praise this show enough. But now I wanted to write about mind blowing aspects of the show that I can not figure out and cause my mind to melt.

  1. Arnold/Bernard:
    I get that Arnold is one of the founders of Westworld. I also get that he programmed Dolores to kill him, because he did not want Westworld to go active and Dr. Ford disagreed with him.  But how come Dr. Ford creates another robot that looks exactly like Arnold and just renames him Bernard?  I know Dr. Ford is a bit of psycho so he does not think it's a big deal to change his name, but some one else out there had to know Arnold was Bernard.  Did we all just agree to not call Arnold, Arnold anymore?? We know Arnold worked with other people, as we see Dolores in the hallway of the office and one random guy doing into Dr. Arnold Webers office.  So how come no one seems to question Arnolds name change?
  2.  Armistice:
Armistice is a bad ass character. We can all agree on that. But what is the point of the full body snake tattoo?  Why put all the extra effort into the snake tattoo for her?  The tattoo is not programming it is just a feature to her character.  Also we know Armistice is a new robot, since William, when he is the man in black, claims he has never seen her before.  So that means Arnold did not create her at all, Ford created Armistice.  She clearly has no fear and is seen as an ally for Hector, if not the leader of the gang in Westworld. I think here is a hidden meaning to her tattoo that may be brought up again in season 2.

3. Felix:
I think Felix is a robot.  He just knows too damn much about the place.  He gets refered to as a "butcher" by Sylvester and is mocked for tryiing to code a bird, but he basically pulls off coding the bird.  Which tells me he knows more than Sylvester is givng him credit for. Sylvester is smart and knows what is going on but is always hesitant to do anything, because he does not want to lose his job.  Slyvester is a human, no doubt in my mind, but Felix I think is a robot.  He justs knows to damn much not to be and he obeys basically everything Maeve tells him to do.  No pushback what so ever.  Time will tell if I am right about this theory,but as of now I agree with my theory.

4. Stubbs and Elsie:

Are they dead or are they alive? And if they are dead, are they DEAD DEAD or did they get re-created as robots?  My call; Elsie is now a robot and Stubbs is dead. Why did Ford re-create Elsie as a robot? Because she's smart as fuck and knew way more than even Ford expected. He can trust her with the park beyond his years. Maybe she'll challenge Charlotte in the future? I just can't see someone like Elsie disappearing from the series.  Stubbs was not as interesting as a character in my opinon as Elsie, but he could sense someting FUBAR was going on in the park.  However if Ford has no problem killing Theresa, why would he be hestiant in not killing Stubbs? Sorry Stubbs, it was  good run buddy.

5.  William:

The guy who played William did an excellent job, but every time I saw young William all I could think about was Liam McPoyle from Always Sunny.  Such a damn creep, you can not outlive that character.

Thats all I got, and finally time to grade the show.

Grade: A

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