Thursday, December 29, 2016

Netflix Documentary Review: The Ivory Game

So I've been on a roll with Netflix documentaries lately. I have the week off and I want to expand my mind mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!

To be fair, I really didnt learn much.  Other than their really is true evil in this world. YES I know ISIS and terrorism toward actually human beings is worse, than evil towards animals, but if you can kill an elephant just for ivory than you are an asshole. And its not like these poachers are hunting the elephant and using the whole animal for meat. They kill the elephant just for the tusks.  The ivory goes to China and sells for thousands of dollars.  I dont know what the answer is to the problem, but even if you dont watch this documentary, please do me a favor and DO NOT buy any ivory jewelry for yourself or loved ones.  Overall the documentary was good, just seeing the elephants roam in HD on the African plains is worth watching. However it's very depressing seeing dead elephant carcasses. That is not an evil pill to swallow.

Grade: C

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