Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Breaking Bad Rant: Krazy - 8's Body

I've been seeing the trailer for a new movie with Bryan Cranston so naturally I have been thinking a lot about Breaking Bad lately.  In my personal opinion Breaking Bad is the best televsion show of all time and that show revolutionized television.  It basically started the whole "binge - tv watching" craze.  But one of the reasons that show was so damn good, is becasue so many things are left unanswered.  Crazy 9 was killed in the third episode of the show and I still can't figure out what Walter did with his body.  I know it is IMPLIED Walter made Krazy-8 disappear by putting his body in some hyrdochloric acid.  But I dont think that is how Walter solved that problem.  When Jesse and Walt got rid of Emilio's body they used all the hyrdochloric acid that Walt stole from the high school.  And we know how that turned out in episode 2.

So now all the hyrdochloric acid is gone and its not like Walt can rob the high school again.  Beside how much hyrdochloric acid would a public high school have?  I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm saying not too much.  I think Walter took Crazy-8's body to the desert and buried him in the middle of nowhere.  Some place where no one would go.  Basically the same place where he buries his money at the end of the series.  Why do you think Walt went to the middle of nowhere to bury his money?  Probably because he has been there before.  Also remember when he buried his cash, he went alone.  He didnt take Huel, or Bill Burr's character, that means there is something there he is trying to hide.  Otherwise, walt takes those two guys w/ him to help bury the cash.  In conclusion, I beleive Krazy 8 was buried in the desert and his body was was not disolved in hyrdochloric acid.

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