Friday, December 30, 2016

Movie Review: Sing

The unknown joys of having a 7 year old daugther is that you when you take them to the movies you get to see SING, instead of Star Wars.  QUESTION: Who says "no" to a 1030 am showing of SING during Christmas vacation week? ANSWER:  Anybody who is of sane body and mind would say no, only I would say Yes. A crowded theater packed with parents who don't want to be there and children who won;t shut up? Thats my idea of a grand ole time. Since the theater was packed we had to still in the second row, which was accompanied by the little one whining.  Which was followed my mean dad coming out. "HEY! I paid $21.00 for these tickets, you WILL enjoy this movie!"

All that aside the movie was really good and I even had a few laughs myself.  It's safe to say if you dont enjoy parts of this movie, then you dont like good music or cheap humour.  My daughters favorite part was when a group of rabbits sang Sir Mix a lot "baby got back" and shook their butts.  Their also was a YUGE uproar in the theater when an Ox got stagefright and farted on the stage.  Not going to lie I probably laughed the loudest during that part.  The voices you will recognize are Matthew McConaughey who plays the main character, who is a koala running a theater, Resse Witherspoon as a pig with 25 piglets, Seth MacFarlane as a mouse who loves 40's sintara music and my future girlfriend Scarlett Johansen as a punk rock hedgehog.  I realize this movie is basically a rip-off of Zootopia and Disney is probably actively suing Illumination Entertainement as I write this, but who cares it's a fun flick. Dont rush to see it at the theory, unless you want to punish yourself like I did, but once it is on video, rent it because it is an enjoyable flick.  I mean how can you go wrong with a movie that has a Gorilla singing Elton's John's "I'm still standing?"


Grade: B+

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