Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My Top 3 Christmas Movies I must watch every Christmas


Will Ferrell's career has bascially been playing an idiot all the time and he nails that role in this movie, but its not just him that makes the movie. It's Tyrion Lannister before he was Tyrion Lannister, Artie Lange as Santa Claus and Buddy the Elf's friends in the North Pole.  Now that I have kids and I take them to visit Santa, the 1st thing that comes to my mind is SANTA! I KNOW HIM!  Classic line, classic Christmas movie.
And of course Santa smells like beef and cheese;
And my personal favorite, Mr. Narwhal:

Home Alone

This movie came out when I was 10 and to this day I am still dumbfounded how it did not win Best Actor, Best Film, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay in 1990. The Oscars voters are a bunch of stuck up assholes.  I dont know what else more I can add for this movie. Its a winner from start to finish, as you can tell just by watching the whole movie in 2 minutes.

Christmas Vacation

The first time I saw this movie I must of been 14 or 15 and I probably urinated in my pants 5 times.  The part where Cousin Eddie is emptying the sewage of his trailer into the street and saying "Merry Christmas, Shitters Full" will never ever get old.  What can I say I have a juvenile sense of humour.

Other classic lines.   Todd and Margo are the worst human beings alive in this movie, which is another reason the movie is do damn great.

Clark saying he would not be more surprised if his face was sewed to the carpet.

And last but not least the Jelly of the Month membership as a Christmas bonus.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!

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