Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Breaking Bad Rant: Los Pollos Hermanos Truck Hijackings

Something on my mind while driving to work today.  Breaking Bad Season 4.  When the cartel attacks the Los Pollos Hermanos truck first, Mike hides in the back and then when the cartel opens the back door he shoots the two cartel attackers.  (see video below, this is at the beginning of episode 4)

The driver is dead, the 2 cartel guys are dead, leaving only Mike w/ the mess.  The DEA never finds out about this.  I think we can assume Mike called Gus and some of Gus other guys helped him "clean the mess." OK I am fine w/ this. 

 HOWEVER two episodes later the cartel strikes again, kills the driver and locks the back door of the truck.  They put a tube from the exhaust pipe into the back of the track and the two guys in the back die from breathing all the CO2 and no Oxygen. After they die the Cartel leaves takes one case of fried chicken batter than has a sticker on it, that they know is the case that has meth in it. How in the holy hell did the police not ever find that truck?  You got 3 guys dead on the side of the road. The driver and two of Gus's guards in the back.  How did Gus's guys clean that up before anyone contacted the authorities?  Someone must of passed that truck and seen it? 

Also if no one ever reported it to the authorites. You now have two missing drivers for Los Pollos Hermanos.  GONE. VANISHED. Don't you think Hank or someone else at the DEA could of figured that out? not one, but two trucks from Los Pollos Hermanos were robbed and the drivers shot and killed?  If this was real life, that be non stop on Fox News/CNN.  Hell Trump would use that during his campaign speeches as another reason to build the border wall. 

 "we got YUGE problems in this country folks, fried chicken restaurant drivers are being shot and killed by people that are in this country illegally."

One time you can see as a random act of violence, but when the same company gets robbed 2x, and it gets robbed violently then you got to start questioning why the cartel is only going after Los Pollos Heramanos trucks and not, lets say's KFC trucks.  DAMN YOU VINCE GILLIGAN!!!!!! I demand an answer!

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