Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pedoira to get $100 Million Dollar Contract Extension.

So there is a on-going rumour out in the Boston sports world that Dustin Pedoira is going to get a 5 to 6 year 100 million dollar contract extension.  I saw a lot of people hating this on the twitter machine.  To tell I say please go fist yourself.  This move is a no-brainer.  Don't start giving me shit like "well they traded all these big contract guys like Gonzalez and Crawford last year to free up money from big contracts now they are doing it again". 

Listen getting rid of those contracts was a God-send for the sox.  They were unbelievable stupid moves by Theo.  Which is why he ditched town for the Cubs, because he realized how stupid they were.  But the whole damn time we should of given that money to guys like Pedoira.  The bro show up to play every damn day and he is now the face of the franchise in my opinion.  Well I would say him and Papi are the face of the franchise, but Papi wont be around forever.  I also think the Sox are doing this to drive up the price on Cano.  Honestly if Pedoria can lock down 100 million, Cano will ask for 150 million.  Of course the Yankees are dumb and will pay Cano whatever the Jigga man asks the Yankees for, but I still like the move.

PS. I would swim naked in that pool of cash.  I'd probably get high just from the remants of coke on all those bills.

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