Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fat People Organize Paula Deen Protest

Fat People Organize Paula Deen Protest

1st of all this is the grossest protest ever.  Mailing in your used butter wrappers to places like Sears and Wal-Mart that have taken Paula Deen products off their shelves?  2nd of all it's freaking dumb.  Honestly who uses mail now? Like who is the person at Sears or Wal-Mart getting these letters? I'm sure its not the CEO or some other high senior level executive.  Probably just some poor shmuck who already hates his fucking job and is opening up letters with used butter wrappers in them which will make him snap and go on a mass shooting spree.  Lastly no fucking way these people go thru with this protest, Fat = Lazy.  No way the fatties have the motivation to save all their butter wrappers and mail them to Sears and Wal-Mart.  I'm only moderately obese and I don't even have the drive and motivation to even check the mailbox when I come home, god even knows the last time I mailed a letter.  Having said that good luck fatties, Paula Deen really needs your help.   I mean why would you waste your spare time helping out wounded veterans, kids w/ cancer and the homeless when you can help Paula Deen sell more useless cooking crap?

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