Thursday, July 18, 2013

Clay Buncholoz has a vagina.

What the fuck.  That's all I have to say.  Bucholz has another setback.  Jesus Christ.  I mean when the hell is this guy every going to get better.  I know he said this week that if this was September he would put himself out there and pitch for the Sox, but I got news for you fuckface we are in the middle of a fucking playoff race RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! so nut up and get out there. Tampa Bay is only 2.5 back and last I checked I think their guys will still pitch when they have neck pain.  Such a joke. The worst part about this is that I thought when we shipped Beckett out of town last year we no longer had to deal w/ this prima donna bullshit.  but I guess I was wrong, and we still have tudleys in the punchbowl. Anyway any asshole can take the negative route and be like Shank and say the Sox are gonna collapse again this year, but I don't think that will happen.  I think we will still be good.  If Lackey keeps up his unreal performance so far, Lester gets his head out of his ass and becomes a solid #2, doubront can be the #3 guy and dempster is dempster.  Just going out there and eating up innings we should be good.  Ben makes a deal to get a solid mid rotation guy and a closer and watch out we can make a legit run for the pennant.  ............................................................................................. Then trade Bucholz and his menstruating vagina to in the offseason.

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