Friday, July 26, 2013

KKK starts neighborhood watch program

KKK starts neighborhood watch program

Ummm.  something tells me that when Obama said we need to start having a "conversation" about racism this was not  what he had on his mind.  But the most shocking thing about this article is that the KKK still exists.  How is that possible?  Maybe I'm out of touch with America because I live in Massachusetts and we are pretty liberal in this state, but man it has to be tough now a days to be a KKK member.  I mean we have a black president, more and more states in this country are allowing the gays to get married and pretty soon their could be immigration reform.  Just bad news all around for the KKK. Depression City.  Maybe this is their first step in "changing their image".  You know kind of like how McDonalds had to stop selling 96 oz. sodas and offering apple slices in their happy meals after "supersize me" came out.  Not sure if the new message is going to catch on though...... time will tell.

Possible new KKK campaign slogan???

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