Friday, July 26, 2013

Tebow catching passes at training camp

What does this mean?  probably nothing.  Just Belichick being Belichick.  Guy is a genius, you want to keep talking about Aaron Hernandez, well let me blow your fucking mind and have Tebow run some TE routes and catch a few balls.  Hernandez who?  EXACTLY!

...And on the 3rd day he rose again and played TE

Jeremy Lin is coming back to Boston!!!!!!!!

Jeremy Lin is coming back to Boston!!!!!!!!

Come on Danny do it do it.  I want a team of all whites and Asians on the floor for the 13-14 season. No I'm not saying that because I'm racist I'm saying that because the comedy value would be off the charts.  I mean the Celtics are going no where next year, so you might as well entertain me and Jeremy Lin would be entertaining as fucking hell.

Also cant you see the refs coming up to Coach Stevens noticing their are not any black people on the floor in a Celtics uniform and asking Stevens if he really wants to do this? and then stevens fires back like Coach Norman Dale "My Team is on the Floor!!!!" 

"My Team is on the Floor"

KKK starts neighborhood watch program

KKK starts neighborhood watch program

Ummm.  something tells me that when Obama said we need to start having a "conversation" about racism this was not  what he had on his mind.  But the most shocking thing about this article is that the KKK still exists.  How is that possible?  Maybe I'm out of touch with America because I live in Massachusetts and we are pretty liberal in this state, but man it has to be tough now a days to be a KKK member.  I mean we have a black president, more and more states in this country are allowing the gays to get married and pretty soon their could be immigration reform.  Just bad news all around for the KKK. Depression City.  Maybe this is their first step in "changing their image".  You know kind of like how McDonalds had to stop selling 96 oz. sodas and offering apple slices in their happy meals after "supersize me" came out.  Not sure if the new message is going to catch on though...... time will tell.

Possible new KKK campaign slogan???

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fat People Organize Paula Deen Protest

Fat People Organize Paula Deen Protest

1st of all this is the grossest protest ever.  Mailing in your used butter wrappers to places like Sears and Wal-Mart that have taken Paula Deen products off their shelves?  2nd of all it's freaking dumb.  Honestly who uses mail now? Like who is the person at Sears or Wal-Mart getting these letters? I'm sure its not the CEO or some other high senior level executive.  Probably just some poor shmuck who already hates his fucking job and is opening up letters with used butter wrappers in them which will make him snap and go on a mass shooting spree.  Lastly no fucking way these people go thru with this protest, Fat = Lazy.  No way the fatties have the motivation to save all their butter wrappers and mail them to Sears and Wal-Mart.  I'm only moderately obese and I don't even have the drive and motivation to even check the mailbox when I come home, god even knows the last time I mailed a letter.  Having said that good luck fatties, Paula Deen really needs your help.   I mean why would you waste your spare time helping out wounded veterans, kids w/ cancer and the homeless when you can help Paula Deen sell more useless cooking crap?

Dr. Creepy Speaks

so Dr. Creepy today must be reading this blog because today it was reported that he said he does not think the Red Sox will resign Jacoby Ellsbury.  No way really Dr. Creepy? we did not see that one coming.  Now that Dr. Creepy has spoken can he just shut up now and hide behind a rock.  The best part about this season so far is that we have not heard much from Dr. Creepy, Tom Werner and Uncle Larry.  I like it that way. However now I am worried that with the recent Red Sox success they'll start coming out from under the rocks they were hiding under and appear more in the booth with Don and Jerry.  If it does it will cause me to vomit...... but I do need to lose a few lbs. so maybe this is a way for me to shed some unwanted poundage.

PS. well we haven't heard Uncle Larry speak, but he did see that photo of him at the country concert at fenway rocking a black cowboy hat and earrings.  Just shameful.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I CAN NOT wait until the Yankees sign Ellsbury to a 9 year / $300 Million contract

I am so beyond sick of Jacoby Ellsbury.  I went to the game last night and HEY! What do you know, Ellsbury was not playing because he had a scheduled off day.  No big deal,  you know since we are fighting for the playoffs right now.  I am so glad the Red Sox are continuing to win without prima donnas like Bucholz and Ellsbury.  It also gives me more confidence in this team moving forward.  I mean next year we’ll have Bradley Jr. and Victorino in the 1 and 2 spots.  I can live with that.  Also it will be the best news in the world to see the Yankees or Dodgers or some other sucker team sign Ellsbury for a ridiculous contract and he really is not that great.  I'll probably be laughing like the joker the day the news breaks of his ridiculous deal.

Anyway we still have a World Series to win this year, so Ellsbury can stick around for that and when he does eventually leave the Red Sox will be able to get a 1st round pick out of it.  Recent rumors are that the Sox may get Jake Peavy from the White Sox.  That move doesn’t blow me away but I think the Sox may go thru with it because they will take on Peavy’s big salary and only have to give up a low level prospect in return.  We won’t have to dump future guys like Bogarts, Bradley Jr., Webster, Dela Rosa, etc. to get him.  It will be a guy a Sox geek like me has never heard of, like in the Matt Thornton deal.  Also Peavy has a player option for 2015 and he has to pitch 190 innings in 2014 and 400 total for 2013 & 2014.  He only  has 73 innings pitched this year, so in order for him to get that option he would have to be greater than Warren Spahn.  Not going to happen,  but the Sox can find a way to use him for an extra year.  God knows we’ll need him again next year when Bucholz breaks another nail and gets put on the 60 day DL.

Belicheck speaks…. And the media is happy?????

Well the world has officially gone mad when the local sports media is saying Coach Bill did a great job at a press conference today speaking about Hernandez.  Personally I think Coach Bill can walk on water and part the Red Sea if he wanted to, so whatever he said I would be happy with.  But I think he did a great job and I hope all the local sports media animals are happy now and we can move forward and just talk about football. 

However at the same time let us not forget about Odin Lloyd, Daniel Abreu and Safrio Furtado.  Three people who would still be walking on this earth if Hernandez wasn’t such an asshole.

This guy is completely mentally stable

This guy is completely mentally stable

You just got to love gun nuts. They are always bitching and complaining about how someone is going to take away their guns but in the meantime the right to buy guns gets easier and easier and the guns keep getting bigger and more powerful.  It would be like me bitching and complaining that I was getting paid more and getting promoted at my place of employment. Why are you so angry bro?  However if the Chinese ever invade America I am moving to this small town in Pennsylvania, because clearly he is ready for the worst. 

PS I love the term Libtard.  I need to someone include that into my vocabulary now.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hooters gets a new logo

Hooters gets a new logo
Eh? Not really a game changer here.  The logo now looks more like out of some Japanese animation movie.  I'm giving it a thumbs down.  The best part about this article is the term “breastaurant”.  It’s even been trademarked.  I mean its sounds like there is a lot of competition in this Market.  Mugs n Jugs, Tilted Kilt, Twin Peaks, Bikinis.  I mean wow, I have never heard of any of these places but now I want to go to every single one.  I think I know how we can rescue Detroit now.  Just open breastaurants all over the city.  Screw cars and auto part smanufacturing, that clearly is not working.  Boobs and wings will bring Detroit back on his feet. 

Erik Bedard pulls himself out of no-hit bid

Erik Bedard pulls himself out of no-hit bid
Well looks like Clay Bucholz has a new friend everyone.  These guys were actually teammates in 2011.  Bedard was great then, just contributing to the worst choke job in history.  Looks like Bedard still took that awesome winning, I’m going to go thru a wall for my team no matter what the circumstances are, attitude with him to Houston.  I honestly can’t believe someone would do this.  Like even if you want to get out of the game, just lob up a meatball to the next guy and get it over with, don’t ask to come out of a game with a no-hitter on the line. Just the Astros being the Astros I guess.

Everyone on the Rays pitching staff is on PED’s

First things first.  Joe Maddon is an asshole. The guy thinks he invented baseball.  And every time I see him wearing those glasses thinking he’s Buddy Holly it makes my blood boil.  Good! glad I got that one of the way.  Now onto the Rays pitching staff and this special “stretching” program that was mentioned in the baseball preview issue of Sports Illustrated.  There is no argument that the Rays pitching staff is the reason they have turned things around since the beginning of their horrid existence, but what makes their pitching staff so much different than everyone else's.  The SI piece claimed that their stretching program was the reason that they have had all these top pitching prospects and the reason their pitchers hardly ever break down.  This is a complete crock of shit! These guys are all on some crazy PED that we don’t even know about yet.  I mean if it is just a stretching program can’t teams that actually have money like the Red Sox, Dodgers and Phillies just hire the best stretching program guy and BOOM! Problem solved?  I’m betting Maddon has some connection down in Cuba that is sending these guys the best undetectable PED's and that is the root cause for the Rays pitching staff being so good the past 6 years.

PS. Lots of nut-swinging on the Rays recent hot streak.17-2 in the last 19.  That’s nice, but look who they have played: Astros, White Sox, Twins and Blue Jays.  If that is the Red Sox last 19 they go 19-0.  I predict we take 3 of 4 in this series.

Back to Back Titles for DISH TV……

For being the worst company to work for in America.  Winning back to back titles in anything takes a lot of work (minus the NBA of course where it is all rigged).  You got to hand it to DISH TV here.  The determination by this company to continue to treat employees like garbage with low wages and horrible benefits take guts and the heart of a champion.  Congrats DISH TV, keep up the solid work I’m hoping for a three-peat.  I mean why not, it’s seems if you keep treating your workers like dog shit it helps the bottom line.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Nothings screams "I'm complete comfortable with my heterosexuality" like a couple of shirtless bros playing horseshoes in a lake.  Keep it real Maine.

Pedoira to get $100 Million Dollar Contract Extension.

So there is a on-going rumour out in the Boston sports world that Dustin Pedoira is going to get a 5 to 6 year 100 million dollar contract extension.  I saw a lot of people hating this on the twitter machine.  To tell I say please go fist yourself.  This move is a no-brainer.  Don't start giving me shit like "well they traded all these big contract guys like Gonzalez and Crawford last year to free up money from big contracts now they are doing it again". 

Listen getting rid of those contracts was a God-send for the sox.  They were unbelievable stupid moves by Theo.  Which is why he ditched town for the Cubs, because he realized how stupid they were.  But the whole damn time we should of given that money to guys like Pedoira.  The bro show up to play every damn day and he is now the face of the franchise in my opinion.  Well I would say him and Papi are the face of the franchise, but Papi wont be around forever.  I also think the Sox are doing this to drive up the price on Cano.  Honestly if Pedoria can lock down 100 million, Cano will ask for 150 million.  Of course the Yankees are dumb and will pay Cano whatever the Jigga man asks the Yankees for, but I still like the move.

PS. I would swim naked in that pool of cash.  I'd probably get high just from the remants of coke on all those bills.

Stephen Drew back in the lineup tonight.

I don't know if the rest of the league should show up to play now. The WS trophy is now locked up by the Sox.  Menino, Let me know if you need help organizing the parade.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Big Government at it’s finest right here everyone.  Jenna Conti can’t even pretend she’s Ariel in her own Condo development pool. 

NHL Announces Realignment and Schedule Today.

I don’t like how the Western Conference has 14 teams and the east has 16.  Not really sure how they can fix that.  Probably expansion?  I know, I know it’s a bad idea, but guess who runs the NHL?  Gary Bettman.  And he is the king of bad ideas.  The Bruins division is going to be a tough fight all year.  The top three teams from each division get in, then two wildcards from each conference.  I think the Bruins can get in the top 3 but it will not be easy.  Ok I don’t want to talk about hockey anymore, its July 19 and 100 outside.

PS. the division names are Pacific (a), Central (b), Atlantic (c) and Metropolitan (d).  Metropolitan?Really Bettman? Come on buddy.

Krafty Bob and Coach BB are not going to cut Alfonzo Dennard.

I’m a guy who is a huge supporter of 3 strikes and you are out.  The Pats picked up Dennard with one strike and this recent DUI is strike 2.  I think this is the right move.  I admit when I 1st heard about this arrest I wanted to cut his sorry ass.  That was an obvious emotional reaction but you hate to hear more bad news about your team especially after Hernandez decided to become a murdering psychopath.  But DUI and murder are two very different things.  I’m not saying what Dennard did was right.  No way at all, the guy is a moron, but I’m also starting to think he could possibly have a problem with the sauce.  If that is the case I think the Pats should help him out.  I mean the Pats took on this risk of having a troubled guy, so they also need to accept that risk and hopefully try to straighten him out. Get him into AA or something similar. I‘m sure the NFL has plenty of programs to help him out, god knows these owners make plenty of money.  They shouldn’t have to babysit him, but if the guy has a problem be willing to help him clean up.  Anyway if Dennard does not accept that he needs to clean up his act, whether he is just being a moron or has a legit problem with the sauce then this type of shit is going to happen to him again.  The next time something like this happens to Dennard I don’t think he’ll be as lucky.  3 strikes you’re out buddy.

Will Andy Petite and his Huge Beaker Just Retire?

So I looked up this weekend’s pitching matchups for the Sox/Yanks series.

Friday:             Pettitte vs. Dubront

Saturday:         Kuroda vs. Lackey

Sunday:           Jabba the Hutt (CC) vs. Lester

Jabba the Hutt (CC) is a separate post in itself, but I am getting so sick of Andy Pettitte, when the fuck will this guy retire?  I’ve been on this planet for 33 years and Petite has pitched for the Yankees for 30 of them.  The other three he followed his buddy Roger to Houston to pitch for the Astros.  That wasn’t gay at all.  “Hey Roger you are going to Houston, can I come too?” wwwwwwwwhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! “on our off days we can do our “workouts” together and go get ice cream.   Can I wear the Cowboy hat today roger? Yesterday you got to wear it, its my turn today.” ” Holy hell.  I mean I’m glad he did it because I did not have to see his annoying nose for three years, but then of course he comes back to the Yankees.  The worst part is that he has been pitching on the Yanks for 30 years and he always seems to have decent outings versus the Sox.  Let’s hope the Sox get to him early tonight and he’s out by the 3rd inning.  I just can’t stand to look at his huge beaker much longer.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dan Why The hell are you doing this?

Well that a good question actually. I figure I text with people so goddamn much about all the bullshit on my mind and 1/2 the time people wouldn't wanna read it.  I don't blame you. I look at computer code 40 hours a week so this is a way to let my creative thoughts out about anything.  I hope you get to check in every now and then. 

Clay Buncholoz has a vagina.

What the fuck.  That's all I have to say.  Bucholz has another setback.  Jesus Christ.  I mean when the hell is this guy every going to get better.  I know he said this week that if this was September he would put himself out there and pitch for the Sox, but I got news for you fuckface we are in the middle of a fucking playoff race RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! so nut up and get out there. Tampa Bay is only 2.5 back and last I checked I think their guys will still pitch when they have neck pain.  Such a joke. The worst part about this is that I thought when we shipped Beckett out of town last year we no longer had to deal w/ this prima donna bullshit.  but I guess I was wrong, and we still have tudleys in the punchbowl. Anyway any asshole can take the negative route and be like Shank and say the Sox are gonna collapse again this year, but I don't think that will happen.  I think we will still be good.  If Lackey keeps up his unreal performance so far, Lester gets his head out of his ass and becomes a solid #2, doubront can be the #3 guy and dempster is dempster.  Just going out there and eating up innings we should be good.  Ben makes a deal to get a solid mid rotation guy and a closer and watch out we can make a legit run for the pennant.  ............................................................................................. Then trade Bucholz and his menstruating vagina to in the offseason.