Saturday, February 4, 2017

Netflix Series Review: Travelers



Travelers is a Canadian TV show that is now on Netflix. Netflix claims its their own series, however it was on some network in Canada and now we Americans have the utter joy of watching it. The show is a sci-fi show about people from the future who travel to the past to try to prevent some disaster we dont know about.  The people time travel by taking over someone's body..,. or a host. They basically only travel by conscience and not themselves.  They take over someones body right before they die and then work together on a mission to try to prevent world chaos.  I know thats a lot, and it is a little odd, but I could not stop watching.  I was hell bent on how far in the future these people come from and what type of world ending disaster they are trying to stop. Also they are always refering to being sent back by "the director" and the show has not told us who "the director" is.  So you have all these questions you want answered, which got me to continue wathcing. All in all its a decent show but not great.  Entertaining if you like sci-fi, otherwise watch something else.  I would say if you like Orphan Black, which is another Canadian sci-fi show, Those crazy Canucks have a thing for science fiction I guess, then give this a whirl.

Grade: C

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