Saturday, February 4, 2017

Netflix Series Review: The OA

This is going to be more of a public service announcement and not a TV review. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT watch this show. It's horrible and will give you nightmares. Tell me I'm a wuss, I dont care, the show sucked.  I had to buckle down and finish it because I wanted to see what happened at the end and still did not get the answers I wanted.  I wasted 8 hours of life watching this turd.  Please do not do the same.

Original Angel is what OA means. In the beginning the show follows a girl from early childhood to her current age, which is around 30.  She was born in Russia and her mother died during childbirth and her father was involved with the Russian mob. The mob tries to kill OA as a child but she survies. The father sends her to America, because as a result of the accident she goes blind.  Eventually the father is killed by the mob back in Russia and OA ends up living in a Russian whorehouse with her aunt.

You can see now how FUCKING happy this show is. 

From there, an older couple, probably in their 60's adopts OA as a child, I'm guessing she was about 8 or 10.  So she leaves the whorehouse and the older couple raise her.  She is blind but gifted and for some odd reason plays the violin at a subway for fun I supposed. One day she is tricked by some guy to some to her house and he keeps her captive with 3 other people in a cage.


Turns one the guy, named HAP is doing expierements on these people.  He's basically a mad scientist trying to find out if there is life after death.  So every day he gasses one of his hostages and drowns them in this weird device.  But they don't die. They always come back to life, because he's always recording a near death experience.  This happens to the hostages over and over again for 7 years.  Below is a pic of this device.  These are the scenes that gave me endless nightmares.

At one point, OA cries to escape and HAP catches her and hits her over the end with the end of a rifle.  Miracleously OA gets her sight back!  Because, why not right.

So now the hostages bascially figure out they are being drowned every night and they determine they are all angels.  They do these weird hand movements to revive one of their hostage friends and somehow now they are invincible. So the OA, now that she is free after being captive for seven years teaches 4 other random high school kids and a high school teacher how to be an angel by doing these weird hand movements.  I dont know something like that.

So as you can tell this show is so much FUN!  So the ending of the show is at the high school cafeteria and a kid with an AR-15 starts shooting from outside the cafeteria and then walks in the cafeteria and starts just shooting people.  All the kids are hidden under the lunch tables and the 4 kids and the teacher get up and do those wierd hand movements and one of the cafeteria workers tackles the shooter and the situation is done. 

And then we never find out what happens to other hostages and the mad scientist.  I guess you need to stayed tuned for season 2 to find out about that, but I rather brushes my teeth with bacon grease and chew on shattered glass then watch another second of this show.  Overall if you like having nightmares and being depressed, this is the show for you!!!!!!!

Grade: D- ( Phylis from the Office is in this show, she saves it from getting an F)

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