Friday, February 17, 2017

Movie Review: Deepwater Horizon

I really dont have to explain the storyline behind Deepwater Horizon because unless you live in a cave you already know the story of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.  Honestly that makes the movie instense, because the whole time you are just waiting, knowing the oil rig is going to explode. This is a movie that you watch for the special effects and dont really give a shit about the acting.  However the acting in the movie is pretty good.  John Malkovich steals the show  as the greedy oil executive.  Kurt Russel is good as the guy who is trying to explain to Malkovich that he is operating an unsafe oil rig,but Malkovich continues to blow him off.  They are behind schedule for christ sakes!  Marky Mark just runs around the oil rig the whole time as the thing is being destroyed. Thats basically all he brings to the table.

I would not really say its a guy movie like Terminator, because this movie is a true story, and when they roll the credits at the end, remebering the 11 guys who died in the blast it's hard not to shed a tear. Also you start to question why we are drilling in the middle of the ocean to begin with??  Not to sound like bernie sanders here, but is it really worth it?  I would think the cost alone must be insane to drill out there, but apparently its not because  I beleive we still want to go out there and drill.  You would think in North Dakota and Texas we have enough of this stuff?  Either way, hard not to respect the guys that leave their familes for weeks at a time to do this type of job so we can have gas for our cars and oil for our homes. 


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