Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Movie Review: Arrival

This movie fucking sucked.  Do yourself and do not watch it.  Just donate the $5.99 to the Jimmy Fund or March of Dimes. Humanity will be better off because of that decision and you will not have wasted 120 minutes of your life.  Honestly this one is on me, because usually Academy Award movies usually suck, but I figure this one would be one of the exceptions to the rule.  I mean just LOOK at that poster! How could this movie be bad? Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whittaker, that's a great cast.  However I did not know that instead of explosions and battles with aliens, all the movie did is show the humans try to talk to the aliens for 2 straight hours. I dont even know what the whole point of it was. Honestly my mental toughness got me to the ending of this movie.

And I know its just a movie, but can you imagine in real life if this happened? Trump would blow them out of the sky before they even landed. There'd be no negotations. Radical Alien Terrorism would be eliminated before it even began. And honestly I wouldnt blame, us humans cant even find ways to get along and if you add aliens to the mix, forget about it. They land here and start taking our jobs and make us their slaves, its just game over for the human race.

I'll try to end on a high note here, with the best alien movie of all time.  Trump had a decent speech last night, but it was childs play compared to Bill Pullman.  I still get chills every time I listen to this and he's not even a real president.

And Lastly... "WELCOME TO EARF!"


Arrival: F
Independence Day: A+

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