Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Movie Review: Lego Batman Movie

So today my kids had school cancelled due to the snowstorm....yesterday.  Thats a whole seperate blog. All this crap about being safe. The day of the storm, I get but today the roads are a tad icy and we cant move forward?  what the hell?  I rather send my kids to school today rather than have them trapped in elementary school prison in June when its nice out. They dont even learn anything at the end of the year anyway. Whats the point of going? snow days should be a gift from the gods.  You get one you never make it up. Whats the point? if some kid has 180 days of 2nd grade vs. 175 days is that going to impact their life?  Everyone eventually morphs into a moron anyway whos thinks their expereinces and opinons mean more than anyone else, so WTF are we doing here?

Anyway thats my rant, the lego batman movie was really good. I think I laughed more than my kids.  Will Arnet was Batman's voice and Zach Galifianakis was the voice of the Joker, and that alone made the movie for me.  Go see if it you have a snow day that shouldnt be a snow day in your area, otherwise it will probably be on demand in 8 weeks, so you can watch it then.

Grade: A 

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