Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Netflix Review: Frontier

Frontier is a Canadian show that Netflix owns the rights too. I gave this a try since I just decided to click on it randomly, it was one of those "recommended"shows for netflix.  The show takes place in the late 1700's  Northern Canada and is about the fur trade.  The British basically own the whole trade, but they are competing with the French, the Natives, the Scots and also at the end of the series an American investor is starting to threaten the British trade.  I know that sounds boring, but it's very well acted and you end up rooting for characters so thats why I loved it.  Also its only 6 episodes so you can get thru the 1st season in a week.  Some of the episodes can be a tad violent, so if you have a weak stomach, then I do not recommend the show.  My best analogy is if you like the movie "the Patriot" you'll like this show.

Grade: A-

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