Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Netflix Review: The Crown

The Crown is a Netflix series thats is going to follow the life of Queen Elizabeth over six 10 episode seasons. The first season occurs between 1947 and 1955.  It starts with the Queen getting married, when she was still a princess and it ends with Winston Churchill stepping down as prime minister and handing his position to his foriegn secretary Anthony Eden.  The 10 episode series cost $130 million dollars!, and it has been a hit, so I expect more and more companies, like HBO and Amazon throwing more money into orginal programing in order to keep up with Netflix.

At first I would think all the British accents would drive me nuts, but when you watch the show you end up having favorite characters and characters you despise, which makes it a good show. Also the actresses who play Queen Elizabeth and Princess Maragret are not bad looking at all, so that definetly helps.  John Lithgow was awesome as Winston Churchill. He as well as the actress who plays the Queen (Claire Foy) were both nominated for Golden Globes, and she won it, and I expect both to be nominated again come Emmy time.

I think people will not give this show a try because it has a snobby Hollywood vibe to it, but it really is good. I think if you like Game of Thrones, you'll like this show. It doesnt have the action and fantsy like Thrones, but this is a storytelling series of the English Royal Family. As the series goes on other actors will have to play the characters, since of course they will be getting older, so that will be interesting to see how that plays out. As for season 2 the actors who play Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip will be back for season 2, after that some other actors will take over.  All in all, I'm all in on The Crown.

Grade: A

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