Sunday, January 8, 2017

Movie Review: Hell or High Water

Hell or High Water is available now on demand.  This movie came out in late August in theaters, but at the time I never heard of it. I usually rent my movies through Amazon Fire, but I know its availabe on Verizon Fios on demand, and I'm guessing Comcast has it too. I always go with Fire over Verizon, because for some reason the rentals are 50 cents cheaper and you get it for two days instead of one day. That is useful if you are old like me and fall asleep sometimes during a movie late at night.

The move is about two brothers who are robbing a branch of banks in West Texas in order to pay off a loan from the same bank in order to keep their family ranch.  One of the brothers, played by Ben Foster is a complete nutcase. He's and ex-convict who is completely insane. The other brother played by Chris Pine, is the Robin Hood character of the story.  He is just in on this crusade to get enough cash to pay off the bank loan.  Jeff Bridges is the Texas Ranger trying to catch these two robbers.  There robberies are so unusual that they only take loose cash and not marked bills, so the whole time he knows something odd is happening.

This move is up for a bunch of awards, and you can tell why, because it has a very artsy feel throughout the movie.  The beginning is intense, then it slows down a little with some artsy fartsy crap in the middle, but the ending is incredible.  The last 40 minutes has a ton of action.  You will not be disappointed.  It reminded me of "No Country for Old Men" but this movie was better than that. Its a guy movie with a sprinkle of the drama.

Grade: A

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