Sunday, January 8, 2017

Netflix Comedy Special Review: John Mulaney, The Comeback Kid

I realized I am a litte late, like over a year on this Netflix comedy special, but who cares, maybe you havent seen it. If not please do.  If you do not laugh during this 60 minute comedy special, please leave the country and join ISIS, because you clearly hate fun and you hate America.  I know John Mulaney was supposed to be the next big thing, but his show did not take off, and I thought we would just be a nobody, but I gave this comedy special a shot the other night and it was great.  He talks about getting married, growing up in Chicago, buying a house, The Back to the Future movie, pot becoming legal, meeting Bill Clinton and buying a house.  A very diverse range of topics, but what is impressive is he changes topics so quickly you are still belly laughing from the last topic.  My personal favorite was his bit on buying a house. It's funny because its true.

Grade: A

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