Tuesday, November 29, 2016

HBO Movie Review: Eddie the Eagle

Life can be a real pain in the ass most days.  Your kids don't appreciate you. Your wife constantly ponders why she married you. Your boss denied you a promotion... again, and your car won't start.  All in all life can be a kick in the pants and you feel glum.

Since life can be a kick in the pants I recommend watching Eddie the Eagle instead of Saw 8, or whatever number the Saw franchise is on now.  The reason I recommend this movie is the story line of always being the underdog and never taking NO! for an answer.  Eddie the Eagle Edwards in real life was one ugly motherfucker, (see below.  YIKES!) but he has a really good story.  This movie will motivate you to try harder at your goals.... well I think it will and if it doesn't well at least you will come out of the movie realizing how crazy of a sport ski jumping is.  The story is good, and the acting is solid. Hugh Jackman has a few dumb moments and I will never figure out why his character who is American, is working at a ski resort in Germany, but I never claimed this movie was going to get nominated for best picture.  Also Christopher Walken makes an appearance at the end of the flick. That alone should make you watch this movie.

Grade: B -

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