Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Amazon TV Review: Goliath

Amazon has created a lot of shows for their Amazon Prime streaming and most of them suck.  Just steaming piles of horse excrement.  Of course not all their shows are shit.  I really like Bosch and I know transparent won a ton of rewards, but I have no real interest in watching that show.  I guess that makes me a transphobe since I don't want to watch a show about an old man who is transgender.  Oh well. I watched Man in the High Castle as well, but that didn't turn out to be any good. I really loved the premise of the show, and the pilot of Man in the High Castle was great, but then after the pilot episode the show went nowhere.

The reason why this show is decent is because you can't go wrong when you have such a great actor as Billy Bob Thornton as the main character.  He plays an alcoholic lawyer who takes a big case of unreasonable death from the victim's sister.  The company that is defendant is a defense contractor and the CEO of the company is creepier than dick cheney.  The defense company hires the law firm that Billy Bob character help found with his wife.  Apparently he got fired a long time ago and making the firm that screwed him over look bad is his main mission.  Maria Bello plays his ex-wife who works at the law firm who also happens to be having a lesbian affair with one of the lawyers at the law firm.  HOLY MOLY!

Overall if you are fan of shows like Law and Order you'll like this show. Or if you are a fan of Billy Bob Thornton, just think of this show as an 8 hour movie and you will not be disappointed.  That's another reason why I liked this show because the plot is good and you need to cover everything within eight 1 hour episodes.  Network shows would drag this thing out for 20 episodes and you would lose interest by episode 12. 

Grade: B

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

HBO Movie Review: Eddie the Eagle

Life can be a real pain in the ass most days.  Your kids don't appreciate you. Your wife constantly ponders why she married you. Your boss denied you a promotion... again, and your car won't start.  All in all life can be a kick in the pants and you feel glum.

Since life can be a kick in the pants I recommend watching Eddie the Eagle instead of Saw 8, or whatever number the Saw franchise is on now.  The reason I recommend this movie is the story line of always being the underdog and never taking NO! for an answer.  Eddie the Eagle Edwards in real life was one ugly motherfucker, (see below.  YIKES!) but he has a really good story.  This movie will motivate you to try harder at your goals.... well I think it will and if it doesn't well at least you will come out of the movie realizing how crazy of a sport ski jumping is.  The story is good, and the acting is solid. Hugh Jackman has a few dumb moments and I will never figure out why his character who is American, is working at a ski resort in Germany, but I never claimed this movie was going to get nominated for best picture.  Also Christopher Walken makes an appearance at the end of the flick. That alone should make you watch this movie.

Grade: B -

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Netflix Review: Dana Carvey Straight White Male, 60

This is a new thing I wanted to do.  Write about all the stuff I watch on Netflix, HBO, cable, espn and maybe I may even get out of my house and go to an actual movie.  Living the life of a suburban father is not that exciting.  Which is really a good thing, because if I was living a life where I was never around that would be bad for my wife and kids.  Read this or don't. I dont care.  Well if we are being honest I do hope you read it, but if not thats fine as well.

The first thing I want to review is Dana Carvey's new comedy special on Netflix.  It. was. hilarious.
It is hard to beleive it has been 24 years since the first Waynes World came out.  I was 12 when that move came out and I think it should of won best picture in 1992.  Actually I still do beleive that.  Carvey has kind of been a ghost lately, but this special is a great comeback.  Dana Carvey is known for his unbelievable impresssions and he starts out his special with some great impressions.  He does Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama.  All spot on.  His Obama impression was the best. His Sanders was good, but I think Larry David is still the king of the Sanders impression.

Other things Dana Carvey talks about in this special, is visiting Italy, havings teenage sons, his family (mostlly he talks about his father and his older brother who he based the character Garth from his SNL Waynes World skits) the difference between younger and older woman and we ends the special doing a bit where John Lennon calls Paul McCarthy from heaven and they have a hilarious chat about the last 35 years.  All in all, if you like comedy, you will not be disappointed.  I say this is a must watch.

Grade: A +