Thursday, March 29, 2018

Pod Cast Review - American History Tellers

The podcast American History Tellers is fantastic. It's made by the same company called Wondery that is behind Business Wars.  Which is also another great podcast.  I've been thinking about it alot lately because I'm a geek for history and this one should interest anyone.  Right now there are 3rd main stories available to listen too. Each main story has 7-8 episodes. The stories are:

The Cold War
The Age Of Jackson

The age of Jackson just started, but you should catch up on the other ones. The guy who does the narrarating keeps it interesting for you so its  not like you are zoning out like you were as a kid in high school history class. (the industrial revolution and the magna carta were fascinating. ) You learn a lot about how our country got here and you'll see a lot of the themes from the past playing out today.  All in all listen or dont, but I highly recommend it.